posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 08:48 AM
All the things that are needed on this broken planet to help are at Area 51 right now, For example: Free, clean, safe energy, space travel answers,
medical advances, real spacecrafts from another worlds.
The problem is that all the answers to the questions are under the control of the government. They want to say when and how this advanced information
is used. IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL. Get real people, the government is in control and will stay in control until this information is made public and
used in the correct way. When all is said and done, there is NO GOD and the government knows this. There are GODS, they are the same GODS that visited
Earth thousands of years ago and still visit now. If you had the ability to do all that theydo, you would be like a GOD also. Don't be fooled. The
governments of the world are hiding the truth. They think this is in the best interest of the people. IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL..