posted on May, 9 2004 @ 04:29 PM
looks like the possibility of the thai pm investing in the club is back on. strange really considering we rejected a similar offer from steve morgan,
a man who knows and cares about the club. but of course, david moores doesnt like mr morgan, and who cares about the future of the club as long as
moores keeps his friends around him.
the man failed to sack souness, evans, and now houllier when it was obvious they could take the club no further and redeveloped 3 sides of the ground
and then decided to move away. the club had no-one even vaguely forward thinking until rick parry came in. and i wont even get started on that
yuppie 'new fan' capitalist.
dear me, im sounding more like a villa fan by the day. at least 4th is sewn up.