posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 03:11 AM
AUSTRALIA will join forces with the United States as a frontline member of a new Star Wars missile defence program.
The $80 billion defence program means that Australian warships, over-the-horizon radars, Pine Gap and other intelligence systems will be plugged into
the global defence shield.
The system aims to destroy nuclear and long-range ballistic missile attacks within minutes of warheads being launched.
Defence Minister Robert Hill said yesterday Australia had agreed to join the program along with other un-named nations.
This is a Global defence system.
With Britain and France joining together to make Carriers, With Australia and the US joining to make a star wars defence, With the EU tearing down
borders and hiring people to defend their borders, etc, With the WTO bringing down Economic borders around the world...The world itself will soon be
an Empire. Everyone as one. What will happen next?