posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 10:43 PM
How would we detect white holes?
Probably by seeing super fast matter coming out of them, which is similaar to how we detect black holes, except these white holes wouldnt be sucking
in anything near them, and i havnt heard about any discovery like that before.
Btw if anything CAN happen it WILL happen, what this means is that everything has a probability of happening, but nothing has actually happened until
it is actually OBSERVED, which then collapses the wave function and we see ONE thing happening of the possibilities, but at the same time the universe
splits and in the other universe the other thing happens?
For example, say a atom emits 2 umm electrons with opposite spins, each electron has a 50/50 chance of having a certain spin, call them up and down.
Once u measure one of them and lets say its up then the other one instantly becomes down spin, but then since if something can happen it will happen,
does a universe split from ours have the first photon we measured be spin down then, and the other spin up?
Have i got it right?