posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:39 PM
The facility that you are speaking of with the fences around it is the Stanislaus County Landfill. It is open to the public to bring your gabage and
dispose of it for a nominal fee. Fences are provided, because of the high winds, to keep garbage from blowing on to the freeway or into farmland
located close to the facility.
The facility that you see with the large smoke stack, is in fact steam. This facility is called, COVANTA ENGERY. They receive garbage from the local
garbage transfer stations, after is has been sorted for recyleables, and burn this to produce electricty, that they sell back to PG&E.
The guard shack that you speak of, is a weight station. This is where vehicles check in, and are weighed before they dump their garbage, either at
the Landfill or Covanta Energy.
The facilities are clearly marked with LARGE CEMENT SIGNS, at the entrance of the road that takes you to these two facilities.
So rest assure, there is NO TOP SECRET MISSION, going on there. Just a bunch of garbage.