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Who is in control us or them ( a poll voice ure choice

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posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 04:10 PM
I think Paranoia is in Control.
It is in Human nature to survive, as it is in any lifeform.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:02 PM
okay here goes cause it is a long chain of command:

from the top to the bottom, the control structure of the world at PRESENT:

satan (or whatever you think satan is?),
Nazi like STS Nordics,
Lizard STS (their helpers the Grays and Bigfoots, Nephilim etc.),
Human Nazi STS,
Secret Societies,
Global Organizations,

this is approximately how it is.

Notice: where does GWB fit on this list? Depending who you talk to he is up there a ways or hardly matters.

[Edited on 3-12-2003 by THENEO]

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:11 PM
Resistance is definately never futile...hello..American Revolution..the pitiful, soon to be US, colonies, took on the most powerful military in the world at the time. The British. And won. Never give up until its over is my saying.

I believe, that when greys enter our area, we are in control, but if entered their area, no.



posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:11 PM
hmm nordics as in the alien species nordics or aryans??? I think that our world leaders ( illuminati masons or regular gorvenments) know of the pending danger if they sold out humanity and in someways are protecting us from telling us the truth to soon as The Neo said paranioja yesssss neo paranioja is our friend. As far as alien invasions i think that with all the x-craft and reveresed engineerd technologies we have and the will of humanity to fight for survival we could fend off and invasion even if the henchmen ( greys) and the reptoids attacked and anyways the nordics promised to help us out if earth was attacked after all we are family

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:19 PM
Hinduism is based on Aryan beliefes, so Aryan beliefs still alive in that Kwiki Mart teller across the street.
And if the Hindu philosphy is based on Aryans Philosphy and if Aryans philosphy is based on Nordics, and I have no idea where im going with this.
Then that means that iv lost my train of thought.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:19 PM
ok so lets say that the aliens are in control, they are already here, secretly controling us. now lets say that they tell us. i supose if their intentions where "evil" the people would try and revolt. but after reading about the dulce base and the reptilians that are supposedly already here, how are we going to fight them all off? they could come from the sky or the ground. how could we fight them? if they had the capabilites to stay hidden for so long, and gave us all our technology (not all), how would we fight them? hmmm maybe there's a little to many "lets supose"but the truth is if they can get here they can probably destroy us. just my opinion.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:21 PM
Yes but it is not that simple.

The Nordics are not a monolith of warmth and love. They experienced splits many eons ago in their culture with resulting groups going their own way.

Would you say that humans are a monolithic of shared values and beliefs? Hardly.

One thing that people must understand here is that our current human leadership was sold out by the grays/lizards, this is what the rumour says. This has been known for sometime now. Thus, the humans have only two choices which are not mutually exclusive, one is to be deceptive too and to fight, the other is to find other allies and probably fight too.

Thus, this is where faith is required. Can a world that is not united in some fashion and which does not respectively consider all its constituent peoples fight against such an overwhelmingly strong opponent?

Not for long.

Eveyone must understand that there is only three kinds of people left in this game. The large group is simply ignorant of what is going on. The remainder are either for or against FREE WILL FOR HUMANITY.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:21 PM
simple human instinct for survival and weaponry and tech that we have aquried from them


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