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dulce base diagram

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posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:02 AM
i found this interesting diagram of the dulse base in new mexico

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:05 AM
# sry i thought i could copy and paste pics lol look on this really good site for it

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:05 AM
link please?

is it this old one?

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:05 AM
ok so lets see this diagram do you have a link to your find.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:10 AM
Here it is....

Had to hunt for it in there...similar to the one shown above...

Interesting site by the way...just recently added it to my favorites... Like many, you have to weed through it...but some good stuff there...just a lousy layout... Their web designer needs to take a course or two in it's difficult as hell to find what you're looking for...

[Edited on 3-12-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:12 AM
I found this buried amongst the numerous links

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:13 AM
oooops....oh timing's off today

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:14 AM
Hehe...beat ya... I just didn't upload the pic....


posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:18 AM
exdog ur the winner u recieve 1billoion nothing lol thanx

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:18 AM
Is this a physical opening to access this base or some type of portal setup?

There is rumoured to be many portals in NM and in fact the whole region is said to go to a transdimensional status probably within 5 years.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:25 AM
if you go to that web page with the diagram, scroll down to where it says x-files, there is a list of countries and under that individual cities..

I picked a city close to me here in ohio... Terre Haute Indiana...

it looks like it gives directions to find the secret base..

In Indiana
At Putnam
From Greencastle
Head to North West to Parke
Go to the area of Rockville

I might just have to plan a road trip !

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:26 AM
There is said to be above ground access via the agricultural buildings...

If you're talking of dimensional portals, that'd be the first I've heard of it in connection with Dulce...

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:28 AM
i wouldn't make a road trip, you are dealing with the US government top playground and you won't even get close to take a peek

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:33 AM
but it might be fun trying... I'm a big chicken anyway, I would just follow the directions to see where it takes me...

I would also have so much fun tormenting my gal on the ride... she thinks i'm nuts for believing in Aliens and UFO's....

You should hear her when I start talking about how the govmt releases info to us through the movies...
I think she's ready to call the guys in little white coats..

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:45 AM
Agreed, I have not heard that portals are associated with Dulce either but considering where the base is located....

It is starting to come out that the main reason more and more bases have not been located is due to the portals which would make it extremely difficult to locate them.

Despite this, eyewitness reports have people actually seeing ufo's flying into the sides of mountains etc., and disappering.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
Is this a physical opening to access this base or some type of portal setup?

There is rumoured to be many portals in NM and in fact the whole region is said to go to a transdimensional status probably within 5 years.

In five years the whole region is going to go transdimensional? At least according to rumor? I take it I will not be able to observe the transdimensional state due to my lack of spirituality huh? In any case, I will wait 5 years. These portals that are rumored as well seem amazing. I take it I can not observe those either? If by any chance I could view them...let me know. I would love to see something like that. I know, I know....I have not been chosen by the aliens via my spiritual astral projected transdimensional material energy plane state to view these portals..........


posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 12:29 PM
Actually if you are there when it happens then you will in fact experience it.

There are lots of stories of weird experiences coming out of NM for past few decades.

Depends on your frequency as to what extent of portals effects will be on you.

Consider that much of the new-age industry is located in NM and the obvious strong UFO connections also.

Also consider the very long history of native people's spiritual attachment to the region and it becomes obvious that New Mexico is not just annother state at least in terms of what is coming up.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
Actually if you are there when it happens then you will in fact experience it.

There are lots of stories of weird experiences coming out of NM for past few decades.

Depends on your frequency as to what extent of portals effects will be on you.

Consider that much of the new-age industry is located in NM and the obvious strong UFO connections also.

Also consider the very long history of native people's spiritual attachment to the region and it becomes obvious that New Mexico is not just annother state at least in terms of what is coming up.

Honest question. Have you ever experienced a portal?

I understand that I seem like a jerk all the time, and I also understand that most of you truly believe in these things. I would agree that things happen that cant be explained as well.

What I dont understand is why people are so willing to believe things, that they avoid logic. People want to believe. I want to believe that things like this happen. Thats why I come here. I have yet to be shown anything that would be definitive. A lot of speculation, yes. A lot of opinions, yes.

I have spent hours at the metaphysical section of the local book store. Invested a lot of time in books and education on these subjects. What I have found is that people have wonderful imaginations, which is great. I have also found that people view imagination as fact.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 01:05 PM
No. Good questions all of them.

I am not sure regarding a portal, I may have. Certainly there have been times that I have seen things that did not look right or were in the wrong place but I cannot be sure what I saw.

It is difficult for a large segment of the population to believe certain things I understand. It is not because they are dumb or insensitive or being difficult, it is because they are not as yet susceptible to these changes. It could be that they will be affected later as the energies increase or maybe they never will be- they are not ready yet for some reason. I cannot answer that question for anyone person.

It is also true that believing helps to see or experience things but do not confuse believing with being deluded for they are not the same thing. A person can believe in something but never see it. For example consider early Christians that waited for the arrival of christ but never saw him, yet they maintained their beliefs.

[Edited on 3-12-2003 by THENEO]

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 01:50 PM
" This explains why it is next to impossible to come near most of the Alien bases, neither physically, nor out-of-body. I think one of the very few ways to successfully penetrate into such bases is to be out-of-body at a higher level than the astral level. OT-8 (Scientology Operating Thetan) Terrans can do that relatively easily. Such techniques can be learned, but it takes many years to attain that ability. The only way I know about learning & applying such techniques successfully is through Dianetics Clear and Scientology processing up to Operating Thetan level 8 or higher. Half a million dollar is the total price tag. There are ways to do it more or less for free, outside of the Scientology Organization, but it is not yet proven that these ways are as safe & reliable, except at the Free Zone. "

So, the Scientology church is behind this website ?

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