posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:28 PM
i quit over a year ago and i have been so happy since i quit. i didnt have much trouble quitting at all really. by the time i quit i was happy to
quit. i was glad to be rid of the monkey (no pun intended) on my back.
how did i do it so easily? i figured it out, for ME, it was psychological, i did it for so long my brain grew acustomed to doing it, it wanted it and
needed it but i knew if i could convince myself it was the most horrible thing in the world i knew it would greatly help me quit.
so for a while EVERY time i lit up, EVERY time i inhaled, i told myself how nasty it tastes, how bad it smells, how god awful these things really are.
after awhile i could barely light one up without getting sick, i knew it was working. then finally i quit, cold turkey and i never wanted another
one again.
my method worked for me. i wanted to quit, i needed to quit and i found a way that i knew would work. i dont buy into the patches and gums and
stuff, those things keep putting the same chemicals into your body as a cigarette! i seriously think if you REALLY want to quit and you convince
yourself they are truly nasty and taste horrible it will make you want to quit eventually.
i truly think this is a psycholigical thing than it is physical.