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UFOs a joint project of USA and Germany Starting in the 40s

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posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 07:42 AM
I just read that supposedly nikola tesla had plans for a flying saucer and when he sent it in for patenting it was stolen by the US and German governments then he died in '43

so supposedly they took his plans to Antarcitc and started that whole new berlin base and thats why we've been seeing so many more ufos now than were reported in the past.

heres a link about how the saucer would be built

i don't have any info about the anarctica thing unless you want the e-book from me but it's about more than just that topic

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 08:03 AM
hey if it's about tesla i'll take could make for good reading. Theres a few other things that say tesla was project rainbow or whatever it's called.....the ship disappear then reappear one...but he was dead by then....anyways..yep hurl us a copy of said e-book

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 05:45 PM
how shall i hurl it to ya?

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:14 PM
It seems that all the major powers having recovered saucers over the past 60 or so years have developed parallel projects to exploit the sudden gain in technical knowhow. I am not aware of much collaboration though. There are suggestions that the Russians and Americans have at some levels collaborated but that is really secret and thus hard to verify.

There seems to be a great deal of evidence to suggest that at the end of WWII the remnants of Nazi power actually fled to Antarctica with their new technology and isolated themselves on the continent. The Americans attempted to invade and diasable the Nazi's but were unsuccessful.

Either way you want to look at it, the bottom line is that human technology grew in leaps and bounds from about the end of the first World War. This increase in technology according to many can only be accounteted for by us gaining foreign alien technology.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
It seems that all the major powers having recovered saucers over the past 60 or so years have developed parallel projects to exploit the sudden gain in technical knowhow. I am not aware of much collaboration though. There are suggestions that the Russians and Americans have at some levels collaborated but that is really secret and thus hard to verify.

There seems to be a great deal of evidence to suggest that at the end of WWII the remnants of Nazi power actually fled to Antarctica with their new technology and isolated themselves on the continent. The Americans attempted to invade and diasable the Nazi's but were unsuccessful.

Either way you want to look at it, the bottom line is that human technology grew in leaps and bounds from about the end of the first World War. This increase in technology according to many can only be accounteted for by us gaining foreign alien technology.

Oh, I don't know. I think it's going out on a pretty big limb to say it could only be explained by Aliens. Not knocking you, THENEO, but the people who think that's the only explanation. There are probably literally dozens of explantions a real historian could give that may be more "boring", but are much more likely. The "evidence" is anything but conclusive.

The technological growth from 1980 to 1990 was the fastest and greatest of ANY PERIOD BEFOREHAND IN HUMAN HISTORY. Certainly we couldn't say that aliens are responsible for that massive technological increase...

...or then again, I guess we could...

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 07:08 AM
And not forgetting Viktor Strieber (the water wizard as hes known), was a jewish austrian prisoner in a concetration camp, that was made to make alternative propulsion systems. He allegedly built one saucer, which the nazis took for study, it was powered by water friction. Also the VRIL and Hanneubu Craft constructed by the germans. Its possible that the americans after taking berlin captured some of these craft, and was what actually crashed in roswell in 1947, another reason to cover it up. (Followed by admiral byrds invasion of antartica in 1948.......)

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 07:21 AM

hey if it's about tesla i'll take could make for good reading. Theres a few other things that say tesla was project rainbow or whatever it's called.....the ship disappear then reappear one...but he was dead by then....anyways..yep hurl us a copy of said e-book

Rainbow being the broader name of the project connected with the Philladelphia Experiment, and Montauk...

The Saucer bit though, is another story... The evidence I've seen for the whole "Nazis in Antarctica" bit, seems sketchy at best, fantasy at worst.... However, there is ample evidence to suggest that the Nazis recovered a crashed UFO prior to the end of the war, and it is a fact, not a theory, that they had their own saucer program (in fact there are a few threads on ATS with some great photos of the prototypes...). At the end of the war, both the US and the Russians scrambled to get these scientists (project Paperclip ring any bells?), and did. The US though, was fortunate enough to have the find at Roswell, which then jump started many research projects...and later crashes (caused by radar interference with the grav drives), prompted the first face-to-face between the aliens, and Majestic.

The US and Russia were in a race to reverse engineer saucers...(a race the US won), and the Nazis were'nt in the picture anymore...

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