posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 08:28 AM
I know I've read some absolute baloney on here regarding the Freemasons but this surely must take the biscuit. Freemasonary is a Fraternity, nothing
more, nothing less. Its is not a religion, its is not an organisation bent on taking over the world, you dont end up mutilated if you decide to leave,
and if you're found to have broken the law you get kicked out. You're uncle was either having you on, not a freemason, or you're just saying that
for effect because quite frankly it just isn't true. we have no connections with the Illuminati, as they, as an organisation no longer exist, not to
say groups of conspiracy theorist kids havent hijacked the name for there own ends. As for the black and white "majic" rituals, hogwash!!
basically. as for not getting a straight answer from a freemason, ask and it shall be reveiled, (except for the modes of recognition of which you can
find elsewhere on this site), there is nothing secret about freemasonary.
As for the oaths, whats so worrying about that. Americans take the oath of allegience, scouts take an oath on joining, join the armed forces police
etc and you take an oath. newspaper reporters have taken oaths just to gain access into lodges and promptly broken them to report to the newspapers
for another "exclusive" and all they get to write about is to ridicule the apron wearing and initiation ceremony.
to find out more about freemasonary I suggest you start at the official webpage of the United Grand Lodge of England.