posted on Nov, 13 2002 @ 07:32 PM
I'm going to agree with bluegrl's question...We should wait until we are old enough to make a decission to join a church.
But it will never happen, all ecclesiastical religions, as far as I know, anyone with any other info come forward, essentially starts you off in their
church. You are born into it, as long as your parents don't take measures to prevent that. And in nations unlike the U.S. it is pretty much
manditory, and hard to get out of.
This came about in my opionion, from a need of control, or maybe pride, church "drafting" followers, and parents pride in their religion and passing
it on to their children.
Probably the latter, though maybe certain religions are the former...oh well, that's how I veiw how it is. How it should be is you don't belong to
anything until you come of age, and can actually make an honest decision.
Hmm truth are you sure that the koran says jesus did not die on the cross?
I'll post this and continue to look for a cross reference on that...and edit this once I've discovered it.
Very interesting, I can not find even one mentioning of Jesus or anything like him, in the Koran.
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[Edited on 14-11-2002 by FreeMason]