posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 10:30 AM
just to add to what TRD was saying Surf,
In football there is also so much racial stuff, its not that bad in the UK but in Italy its terrible and in some spanish grounds its the same. A
famous case in Italy is the Lazio fans, their gang goes into the managers room and chat before games etc and about who not to buy, not to play black
guys and the likes. Them and Rome have huge fan fights, but the thugs have so much power they have a say in which team to pick.
In Turkey its really bad too, with Galatasary and Fernabche being the worst. In scotland a few years ago, a ref got hit with a coin which split his
head. A few days later his house windows got tanked got he gave a decision against one team
A famous case maybe in the late 80s, a Columbian player missed a penalty i believe, which is a really good oppurtinty to score, and cos of this, he
was killed. Someone Escobar i think his name was. TRD might know, hes older than me haha.
Football is soooo big in Europe, and with so many people being into it. To stop the crime involved is virtually impossible