well richmond is this weekend and i have the privelage of going to this race. i leave thursday so i won't be around for about a week to pester and
torment ya'll. here's an early prediction for the race. if you're betting, put your money on Kenseth. and the number 2 finisher will be Mark
Martin. you can bank on that. well i'm off to the pillows.
i envy you, i used to go to the old 1/2 mile track there, was always a good time even though you knew that richard petty was gonna win...have fun,
wish i was going along
well i'm in richmond today. we're going to go to Washington DC today. should be interesting. went to the track yesterday, it was awesome, can't
wait for the race tomorrow.
the race was great. i just got up we partied till about 6 this morning. i finished off a case and a half of beer last night and i feel terrible.
but it was a blast. i forgot to bring my camera, but i think my friend did, so i'll see about those pics. i'm off to busch gardens now.
Sounds like you had some fun. Case and a half jeeze you must have a sore head. The race sounded good by Toejams description so it looks like you got
to see a good un. Have fun!!
we're going to drive over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge today. should be fun it's something like 17.5 miles long. no beer for me today though, i still
have a headache.