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Survey: Have you seen a UFO? Please take the time to respond.

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posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:20 PM
Here are some questions I have for the people of the board. Though I disagree on a lot of issues with some of you, I do feel that everyone should express their opinion. I wrote this survey so I can see where everyone is coming from.

I tried to make these questions easy to answer. They can be answered in short sentences or words, and at the same time in detail if you wish. Thanks for taking the time to answer these if you choose to do so.

1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe it?

7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?

[Edited on 11/30/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:27 PM
1. Yes, I find it unlikely that we are a unique case out of billions and billions of stars. It is almost a definite to me that their is life, and intelligent life out there somewhere.

2. I honestly do not think we have had contact with life forms outside of this planet. It would be a longshot for a life form to find us, given the immense size of the universe.

3. If we are to contact another life out there, I feel it be something we pick up as a radio transmission. A "Blip" or something like that coming from a star.

4. No, I dont think that our government is hiding alien technology or contact from us.

5. Yes, I once saw what looked to be a fireball. I assumed that was what it was at the time but looking back, it wasnt moving fast enough, nor was it "on fire". Just a light.

6. No

7. The number of unexplainable ocurances as far as lights in the sky.

8. I think they are made up.

9. Reputation, and not knowing exactly what they saw.

10. To get attention. Because they saw others doing it.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:37 PM
1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?

Yes, based on the size of the universe and space in general, it would be rather arrogant of us as a species to think we are the only intelligent species alive.

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?

Thats a tough one, if we are in contact with extra terrestrials its being kept under wraps because the public isint mentally capable to deal with the idea they are not alone in the universe.

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?

Probably via one of our deep space probes, or by radio frequencies that escape the earths atmosphere

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?

Yes, because they are in the business of controlling ( and when they actually do their jobs ) protecting the people. The mass hysteria that would follow proof of contact would surely destabalize society, making the job of the government even harder.

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?

Yes, I was sitting with a friend in a field just discussing life and general stuff when she pointed out that there was a light moving in the sky, so naturally I started paying attention. It woudl travel almost to the end of my view of the sky, then change directions very quickly and come back the way it came. There was no arc as the craft turned, so that ruled out conventional terrestrial craft for me. It continued to do this for a few minutes, then the light just faded away and was gone.

6. Have you ever an alien? If yes, can you describe it?

nope, never seen one, if I had I probably wouldnt still be here to talk about it

7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?

Our rapid rate of evolution, technically speaking. We went from electricity to internet, satellites, space travel in what seems to be only 100 years at the most.

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?

I think alot are for attention, but I also belive a segment are completely legitimate sightings/claims

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.

The first one that comes to mind is discredit, and being labled crazy/insane/loony etc. Just look at how the incident at Kecksburg divided a whole town, not many would want that for their own town. The second reason I think would be fear of the governement and being investiaged due to their claims.

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?

First would be the money/fame that often comes with it. Even if its only 15 minutes in the spotlight, alot of people would go to great lenghts to aquire it. Second reason would probably be to descredit the condcept and spread general doubt and disinformation, after all the best way to take something down/apart is from the inside.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:42 PM
1. Yes I do, because the universe operates in flux to create many types of life forms.

2. The human race is in contact with alien life forms, probably restricted to government agencies.

3. Contact made by a downed alien ufo, military demanding contact with alien race of downed ufo.

4. Yes I do.

5. To me it was an ufo, a bright light in the sky, which then slowly disappeared, making no sound.

6. I've never seen an alien before.

7. Video footage by NASA, and the phoenix lights.

8. I think most claims are made-up, with a minority claim being true.

9. i. Being thought of as crazy. ii. Fear of reprisal by the alien or government agencies.

10. i. For fame. ii. To see if any response occurs by alien or government agencies.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople
Here are some questions I have for the people of the board. Though I disagree on a lot of issues with some of you, I do feel that everyone should express their opinion. I wrote this survey so I can see where everyone is coming from.

I tried to make these questions easy to answer. They can be answered in short sentences or words, and at the same time in detail if you wish. Thanks for taking the time to answer these if you choose to do so.

1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?

its a mathmatical fact.

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?

OK, first look at all the anchent religions that "say" "gods" in flying ships, flames eta,eta what about all the "real" anchent drawings of "flying" ships? what the "alien hybrid mommey found in egipt? I know only 5% of people know about this look at KGB files show for info. Look at the bible, i can go on and on and on...

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?

im not sure if they will ever make "contact" look at angent reliegons and comeback with proof "flying ships" were not seen

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?

Im not sure, if you look at the nasa sts videos *all of them* if you research the so called "ufo crashes" dose sean like there keeping somthing underraps IE: M I B = men in "blue"

iv seen lots of evidence in medea out lets, but have not seen a "m i b" in person

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?

hehe ok seapeople

i saw this "very" ufo, the tanferan mall i can walk to in 30 mins from my house theres no-way in HELL *we* made this

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe it?


7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?

video/ pic that are verified not to have been edited

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?

Most are proubly mistaken so they are called "ufo's" then the majority are made up i would say 90% of "ufo" are real anti gravity ships and maybe %1 are not made on this earth at this time

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.

They would be scared of being a outcast. trust me i know

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?

To get attention/ make money

[Edited on 11/30/2003 by Seapeople]

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by Dmsoldier]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 11:12 PM
"Survey: Have you seen a UFO? Please take the time to respond.

Here are some questions I have for the people of the board. Though I disagree on a lot of issues with some of you, I do feel that everyone should express their opinion. I wrote this survey so I can see where everyone is coming from.

I tried to make these questions easy to answer. They can be answered in short sentences or words, and at the same time in detail if you wish. Thanks for taking the time to answer these if you choose to do so."

1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?

Yes, According to the odds it's only feasible.

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?

I believe our government is in contact with extra terrestrials. Whether they will ever admit another thing.

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?

We've been contacted by extra terrestrials for a long time.

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?

Definitely! Many people could NOT handle the truth.

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?

Yes many. My largest sighting was in September of 95. I seen 150-200 star-like objects in broad day light. These flew directly above my head at approximately 100 feet up. The objects could maneuver up, down, sideways (zig-zag) and even shape-shifted. Many people from Las Vegas to Tonopah observed these things. When these objects went over Las Vegas garage doors were mysteriously opening. The military said the Awax plane caused that to happen. Than they said it was some Army guys in the nearby mountains with lasers causing the lights in the sky. I've also seen the triangular object and a lot of black-ops projects.

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe


7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?

Seeing those star-like objects for myself. I do NOT believe they were black-ops. Also Nasa film footage and other prominent eyewitness reports.

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?

The biggest majority are probably made up or an illusion.

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.

Afraid of being ridiculed and accused of being drunk on drugs or just plain crazy.

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?

To get attention or to discredit real sightings.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople
Here are some questions I have for the people of the board. Though I disagree on a lot of issues with some of you, I do feel that everyone should express their opinion. I wrote this survey so I can see where everyone is coming from.

I tried to make these questions easy to answer. They can be answered in short sentences or words, and at the same time in detail if you wish. Thanks for taking the time to answer these if you choose to do so.

1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?
Yes, I think it's crazy to think we are the only organisms in the Universe, its simply to large.

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?
Not at the moment, possibly MANY years down the road.

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?Quite honestly, I believe by mistake.

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens? Nope.

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?Nope.

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe it?Other than on TV, nope.

7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth? I don't believe there is any LEGIT evidence.

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?Well, I don't believe them, but will listen with an open mind. I think some of these people that report seeing UFO's just have wild imaginations, seek attention or are completely nuts.(nothing personal)

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.
For reasons stated above, they will be considered one of the 3 type personalities I described. Possibly being threatened by government being another. I think most people just want SOLID proof, before they accept the possibilities.

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?
1. Attention - - - - - 2. Wild Imagination.

[Edited on 11/30/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 11:44 PM
No I haven't seen a UFO. Yes I would tell people, many people fear being humiliated. Yes we have been contacted. Look underground for proof

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 02:19 PM
1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?

Yes. The universe is gigantic. A singular planet in this infinite void being the sole source of life is a ridiculous notion.

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?

Yes. We are already in contact. At least on a government level.

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?

The first contact was already made. Most likely at an U.S. Air Force base between some of our senior military personnel, scientists, and politicians. I imagine this occured no later than the 1950s, though I'm certain many governments have known to some degree since before the 20th century.

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?

Yes. There is a conspiracy to cover it up through denial and ridicule.

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?

I have been witness to 4 UFO events. The first in 1980 was a giant ornately lighted triangle floating just about 50-100 feet away from my house. The other events took place in July and August 2000 and November 2003. In all cases, they involved silver slow moving cylinders. I could tell they had no wings as there were other planes in the area that had obvious wings.

My opinion is that what I saw in 1980 was an actual extraterrestrial craft. There is little reason for a man-made UFO to stay so low to the ground and act as if its interested in the civilian populace. The cylinders were likely alien as well, but they were not low to the ground like the triangle.

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe it?

No. I have never seen a real alien.

7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?

Beyond the preponderance of evidence, the biggest cases are the October 7 1965 Edwards AFB and 1980 Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters Woodridge AFB incidents that have some declassified government documents and audio to back up their reality. Other good evidence comes from the highly credible witness testimony of many individuals over the course of our history, which has included an ex CIA head and astronauts that should be in the know on this information. And of course the NASA films, pictures, and videos of unexplained phenomenon in earth's orbit and on the moon.

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?

Most UFO sighting claims are real. At least to the observer. I imagine many UFO real sightings are misinterpretations of standard air craft at night, meteors, stars, and satellites.

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.

Denial would stop somebody first. Ridicule is the second reason. Both reasons have been engrained into our consciousness through many means. Government, scientific, social, and religious denial and ridicule of this subject has kept many people from talking.

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?

Money and fame. Throw disinformation in there as well.

[Edited on 1-12-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 02:30 PM
1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?

Yes. who are we to think that in all of the galaxies that we are the only creatures ? Scientific answer, I don't have one. I just believe.

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?

We already have, they're here.

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?


4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?


5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?

Yes, 2 of them, first one, red circular light, hovered above trees and decended below / behind them. I was 8 yrs old.

2nd, 2 nights ago - bright white light, falling from sky at an angle, appeared to slow down, then dissapeared before getting close to the ground.

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe it?


7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?

The government coverup, not admitting that anything ever happened.

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?


9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.

affraid that the government would "get them"

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?

For attention, to feel important.

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople
Here are some questions I have for the people of the board. I wrote this survey so I can see where everyone is coming from.

I tried to make these questions easy to answer. Thanks for taking the time to answer these if you choose to do so.

1. Do you believe that that life outside of this planet exists in the universe, and why?
A. life is a natural, common, occurance in all natures in the cosmos

2. Do you think that the human race is in contact or will contact intelligent life forms of extra terrestrial origin?
A. not some distant future...however DEFINE intelligent (whales,, smart?)

3. How do you think the first contact will be made, or was made?
A. earth-sent cyborgs will make contact, to add to 'Borg Conscious ' equivelent

4. Do you believe there is a conspiracy based in the government or other group designed to cover up the existence of aliens?
A. You must mean the 'precieved existance' of aliens, the mind control agencies DO exist

5. Have you ever seen an unidentifiable object (UFO)? If so, what do you think it was? Can you describe it?
A. Yes, x4...#1 V shaped #2 NC Brown Mountain Lights #3 AMC Gremlin silloutte #4 multiple vehicles at Phoenix Lights

6. Have you ever seen an alien? If yes, can you describe it?
A. I have never RECOGNIZED an indisputable alien lifeform

7. What do you feel is the strongest evidence that extra terrestrial life forms visit the earth?
A. The term 'visit' implies a alien life form has a means & motivation to exit planet earth

8. Do you feel that most claims of this nature (seeing aliens or UFO's) are for real, or made up?
A. pre 1947 sightings would not have the Hype & massmind phenom that clouds present sightings

9. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would keep a sighting or experience, a secret.
A. becomng a social outcast & inviting intrusive probing of your mind, life, etc.(lab rat syndrome)

10. What are the two biggest reasons you think someone would make up a sighting or experience?
A. noteriety & fortune...(to their chagrin / Dismay)

[Edited on 11/30/2003 by Seapeople]


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