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what is HAARP?? is it a weapon, intel listening, weather control or whatever device

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posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: Bedlam
No need for it to find cats...
No need to restore what you have not lost...
It could remove your teeth or cause new teeth to grow...
It can take your breath away forever....
The spear is not lost...

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: Bedlam
No need for it to find cats...

That's not what Shel Silverstein would say.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: Bedlam
No need for it to find cats...
No need to restore what you have not lost...
It could remove your teeth or cause new teeth to grow...
It can take your breath away forever....
The spear is not lost...
Now that's a tall order. Does this haarp have anything to do with scalar tech.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: Nochzwei

Now that's a tall order. Does this haarp have anything to do with scalar tech.

No. There is no scalar tech. HAARP is a big, slightly dated, phased array HF transmitter.

Stroke my palm with several million dollars, I'll make YOU one. It would be better than the one in Gakona. Times have changed.
edit on 1-9-2015 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 09:10 PM
I think the Government is using it to control the population into thinking that Donald Trump has good ideas.

It's pretty much the only explanation for the level of support his campaign is getting.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 09:11 PM
I though HAARP was pretty much ancient technology at this point, at least 10 years old, maybe older.

Most of us don't have cars that old.

I dunno what they're doing with it, but whatever it is, it's a closely held secret for some reason.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: babybunnies
I dunno what they're doing with it, but whatever it is, it's a closely held secret for some reason.

Not at all. Go to googlescholar, and google "HAARP research", you'll pull up about 2500 papers from legit sources.

eta: Or ask me, I don't understand all the ionospheric plasma egghead research at more than an engineering level, but I can tell you about the array from antennas to diesel power plants. And I know some about the military side.
edit on 2-9-2015 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 03:35 AM

I though HAARP was pretty much ancient technology at this point, at least 10 years old, maybe older.

Most of us don't have cars that old.

I dunno what they're doing with it, but whatever it is, it's a closely held secret for some reason.

eta: Or ask me, I don't understand all the ionospheric plasma egghead research at more than an engineering level, but I can tell you about the array from antennas to diesel power plants. And I know some about the military side.

HAARP and the like are nothing but a Facade, the Real Thing is build underground safe from eyes.
Mostly for Military and Research use, Those RF weapons Transmit Electons causing them to shutdown,fry,or Control Any unshielded Electronic Devices.
But our Body too transmit information with electrons, which make it very vulnerable to this kind of devices
our nerves transmit feelings with electrons, so those nerves easily can be transfered electrons externally from this device with the right pattern makeing the person feel anything the device user want it to feel.
Same thing with visual Data, Electrons get transferred to the Optic Nerves and the person will see anything as if the eyes were to transmit the images (when awake both real and fake visual info get overlapped)
When asleep since no visual date get transmitted from eyes only the transmitted visual info is seen as if one if dreaming (IF you See Very Clear Dreams in Colors and can have Feeling like touch or pain etc, you should think twice as the Brain "CANT" Generate those things)
That Video showed how easily a normal computer can be controlled but our brains are not that different and no proof can be submitted with our brains except everyone stating the Impossible (VR-like Dreams: Touch, Smell,Feel and Colors, and applied physics...) our brains barely generate almost Monochrome images for few seconds in dreams Exactly like when Thinking. Only Computer Can Generate those things.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: tempacc005

HAARP and the like are nothing but a Facade, the Real Thing is build underground safe from eyes.
Mostly for Military and Research use, Those RF weapons Transmit Electons causing them to shutdown,fry,or Control Any unshielded Electronic Devices.

Piffle. Nothing's under the array but a lot of ground rods.

RF doesn't transmit electrons. Ever. Nor light. Photons don't carry charge, because if they could, you'd be moving a positive rest mass faster than light. You, sir, have no grasp of physics at all.

But our Body too transmit information with electrons, which make it very vulnerable to this kind of devices
our nerves transmit feelings with electrons, so those nerves easily can be transfered electrons externally from this device with the right pattern makeing the person feel anything the device user want it to feel.

Nerves don't use electrons to signal. Ever.

Same thing with visual Data, Electrons get transferred to the Optic Nerves and the person will see anything as if the eyes were to transmit the images (when awake both real and fake visual info get overlapped)

Visual images are made of photons interacting with dye molecules. Electrons don't enter into it.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 11:07 PM
This is how the Device works: (I will be posting all the info i knew about this device regardless of what others think or believe,as long as i can. and not in a single part
This Weapon Main Ability in Carrying Electrons in Radiowaves,
the way this is achived is by Stripping an atom from some of its electrons using a electromagnetic field and vibrating it at the same time
the Atom(Proton) will try to replace its lost electrons so it generate new ones, and at the same time will generate radiowaves because of the vibration
the radiowaves generated will be carriying electrons in the air, at the right Frequency they can be aimed at anything as long the destination atom can absorb them (ex: infrared and our nerves)

Then Next There is RadioWaves Fusion and Electron Collisions to Alter Matter...


Piffle. Nothing's under the array but a lot of ground rods.

RF doesn't transmit electrons. Ever. Nor light. Photons don't carry charge, because if they could, you'd be moving a positive rest mass faster than light. You, sir, have no grasp of physics at all.

Try The Experiment Then, you will be amazed. Everyone should too.

Nerves don't use electrons to signal. Ever.
if it was the case i would not be posting this message right now.

Visual images are made of photons interacting with dye molecules. Electrons don't enter into it.

Yeah That how the Visual System works, but how the brain is going to understand this interaction unless its transformed into electrochemical signal ?

Everyone is now dumber

The Brain Require and proccess all kind of information as electrochemical signals or it would not work
Please recherche how Brains work before calling someone dumb.
Im here to give informations not for name calling.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: tempacc005

Nerves are not wires.

Radio waves cannot carry charge.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: Nochzwei

Now that's a tall order. Does this haarp have anything to do with scalar tech.

No. There is no scalar tech. HAARP is a big, slightly dated, phased array HF transmitter.

Stroke my palm with several million dollars, I'll make YOU one. It would be better than the one in Gakona. Times have changed.
Ah ok.
Don't have any use for the harp, but I do need some1 to build me a specialized inverter

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 02:31 AM
Another Main function of this weapon is electrons collisions,
Radiowaves generated carrying electrons could be made to collide with one another once they do so will the electrons they are carrying
two electrons colliding with each other at the speed of light cause a powerful small electromagnetic(gravity) field for an instant before they repel each other
this small electromagnetic field can attract an atom near it, giving this weapon the ability to modifies the structure of objects with an impressive range.
The way its done is by firing a radiowave this time with a frequency that the target atom can not absorb (ex: GigaHz RF and most atoms)
once radiowave collide with atom it will bounce back another radiowave of the exact same Frequency should meet it both colliding and fusing right next to the target atom, and so the electrons they are carrying causing the attraction field precisely at desired position.
this give a huge military advantage and a huge problem to anyone living on its effect range(very large)


Nerves are not wires.

Here is what you find from a quick Google Search:

Basically, a nerve is a fiber that connects the brain and spinal cord with various parts of the body (aka - receptor organs). Nerves conduct impulses from the brain/spinal cord to these receptor organs as well as conducting impulses from the receptor organs back to the brain/spinal cord.

A nerve impulse is an electrical signal that travels along an axon. There is an electrical difference between the inside of the axon and its surroundings, like a tiny battery. When the nerve is activated, there is a sudden change in the voltage across the wall of the axon, caused by the movement of ions in and out of the neuron. This triggers a wave of electrical activity that passes from the cell body along the length of the axon to the synapse.

Radio waves cannot carry charge.

You Wont Find This Info Easily, like i said perform the test or have an Engineer/Friend perform it with you.
its not that hard with the right materials.

Dont Bother With The Second test(radiowaves collisions) unless you/someone have access to High-Grade Lab Equipment like radiowaves scanners.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: tempacc005

Right, there is a voltage change across the wall of the axon, which is due to ions moving through controlled gates. But that's 90 degrees to the signal going down the axon. Unlike a wire.

eta: you won't find the info at all, because it would require particles with non-zero rest mass to be accelerated to c. Which can't happen.
edit on 4-9-2015 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:47 PM

eta: you won't find the info at all, because it would require particles with non-zero rest mass to be accelerated to c. Which can't happen.

Peoples like you doing the experiment and succeeding Then Spreading it is THE ONLY WAY This Can Be Further Proved.

Anyway Accelerated to c the speed of light or not is something i cannot know, so i do not speak of.
RF carrying Electrons could/should be still traveling at c though.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: tempacc005

Another Main function of this weapon is electrons collisions,

The fact that it is now being run and owned by the University of Alaska Fairbanks just shows there is nothing nefarious about this place.

Or are we seeing a new batch of bad guys posing as the UAF so they can continue their nefarious work there?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: tempacc005
Anyway Accelerated to c the speed of light or not is something i cannot know, so i do not speak of.

Sure you are. You're babbling about electrons being carried by a radio wave. This requires the electrons to move at the speed of light. Only that's not going to happen.

RF carrying Electrons could/should be still traveling at c though.

One of many reasons it doesn't do that.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 02:43 PM
So, can we say that russian subatomic particles can go faster than ligth defying causality?

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 12:03 AM
In the US, HAARP is the Hi-Frequency Active Aurora Research Project. It is designed to be a system by which to charge the ionosphere and study the effects of energy pumped into the Earth's magnetosphere. Alternately, is is designed to electricly charge the ionosphere to research the potential to defeat an incoming ICBM.
There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of additional abilities attributed to this technology by outside sources, but as a practical design, it isn't capable of these more 'creative' uses. It could, theoretically, affect weather by heating the ionosphere directly above it, causing a pressure differential in the upper atmosphere and steering limited air currents, but it doesn't possess the capability to do this in the ways that are commonly attributed to it. At least not on the scale of steering hurricanes and such.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 02:19 AM
Well, the University of Fairbanks bought it or something from the government. Either way, they're taking over the facility. If it was some kind of death ray or weather manipulator, they must have had to remove the labels off the switches that do that before turning it over.

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