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Would it matter if the world ended?

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posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:04 AM
What if the world were to end tomorrow?

As much as I think it is possible I think a subconcious part of my mind still holds on the believe that it really isn't possible. We are special. How could earth exist without people or plants or animals on it.

But then I think, there are possibly billions of stars in billions of galaxies. Planets like ours, with civilizations like ours are probably being destroyed constantly. Our sun is set to go supernova in the next 10 billion years or so. We may never get to another solar system. When our sun goes supernova, whatever and whomever are on this planet are gone.

In the grand scheme of the universe does it really matter. There will be countless other civilizations, we will simply be another one that didn't make it. The universe will go on with out us and not give it a second thought.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by greenkoolaid
There will be countless other civilizations, we will simply be another one that didn't make it. The universe will go on with out us and not give it a second thought.

Most likely. That is what I keep trying to tell all these religious fanactics around here who think that there is rhyme or reason to our existence. We will just simply cease to exist.
Ask youself this question..What makes you so special that the world would stop exploding for you?


[Edited on 28-11-2003 by MarkosOrrealus]

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:38 AM
yeah, and if you are a believer of action-reaction then even those millions of other civilisations are not special. But it would kinda suck because I would personally live a bit longer then today, tommorow is a girl coming again so I wouldn't be happy if tomorrow would be the end of the world

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:40 AM
Well, I can guarantee you that the world will probably last longer than tomorrow, so have your fun. But if it doesn't, well then you won't be around to say I was wrong.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 05:56 AM
It probably wouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it would matter to us. Unless of course we are truely spiritual beings that weren't tied to a physical exsistence. Perhaps then we could all just drift through space and find another planet elseware in the universe to populate by whatever means we managed to find ourselves inside the shells that we occupy now.
(Just an idea rattling around in my head.)

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 06:47 AM
The Other worlds are on different frequencies of matter energy all around us. This particular world is a disposable one imo, and I suspect many others are also disposable.

The beings in control are outside of time. And so it doesn't matter if this earth needs a million years to recover from a doomsday situation. A million years on earth could only be a few moments to the more advanced beings.

The beings are also all around us on other dimensions, and they take our souls to safety when our bodies die. There are zillions of the beings of different types, and they can cope with a total meltdown of the earth as we know it.

Personally I believe that the earth is being cared for by the aliens etc, and nothing catastrophic is about to happen, which they haven't orchestrated, or put into action.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:17 AM
What does this thread have to do with aliens or UFOs?

Life is not about anything other than survival. When areas of the earth are destroyed by man or by nature, there isn't any disturbance in the "force" or anything. Its simply gone.

To put this thread on track, I do not think aliens will allow this planet to blow up or allow humanity to blow up the world. I take this cue from all the times UFOs have done things to nuclear warheads. They obviously do not want to see the earth blown up and will take measures to make sure it does not happen. They do not care about individual human life, but their entire experiment would go belly up if everything died here.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:28 AM
When you have a spirit then existance is a unique perspective outside of physicality.

It does not matter if the world ends.

It will not cease to exist in the short-term, probably the life of the earth is at least 1 billion years.

But life as we know it is likely to end soon.

When you are obsessed with physicality then YOUR PHYSICAL SITUATION is all important.

That is what your fear is about is it not?

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by heelstone
...To put this thread on track, I do not think aliens will allow this planet to blow up or allow humanity to blow up the world. I take this cue from all the times UFOs have done things to nuclear warheads. They obviously do not want to see the earth blown up and will take measures to make sure it does not happen. They do not care about individual human life, but their entire experiment would go belly up if everything died here.

Out of curiosity, on this note, has anyone read "The Forge of God" (Greg Bear)? I've just finished it, it was fantastic, and deals with the above concept brilliantly.

(sorry, bit of a tangent there)

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 12:27 PM
it will matter if the world ended tomorrow, because there'd be no way of knowing it, or stopping it! And if the world ended much longer from now, you might not be around to see it. But, we can become IMMORTAL if we know how to extend our personal existence beyond our petty, short life---genetics, our knowledge.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by heelstone
What does this thread have to do with aliens or UFOs?

Unfortunately not every topic fits nice and neatly into a category. I chose this one because the basis of my arguement is that there are aliens on billions of other planets through out the universe. It may not deal with aliens visiting this planet but it deals with aliens on their own planets.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 02:50 PM
it only matters if ur world ends tomorrow. the reason for life is eventual death isnt it? its the person that you are while ur here that matters only. then its time to meet the maker.


posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 03:05 PM
No. It cannot matter because if it didn't end, we're still alive and all is fine. When it ends, we won't be alive anymore to complain. So when you say "does it matter" it implies an outside observer, not us. It cannot matter to us before it ends (since it's the event of the ending that we're judging) and we're still fine and well, and of course cannot matter AFTER since we're not there (sorry to be redundant, had to emphasize the point)! Also, I have a very strong suspicion that the aliens aren't here to oversee the world and make sure everything is fine and dandy. They are using our energy for food, because they are 4th density beings and we are 3rd. Just as we use 2nd density animals for food. Or at least that's an interesting idea... for more info check out Let's say all the conspiracy theories and the New Age phenomenon is a smoke screen. A coverup to keep us entertained/busy/happy so that the actual truth isn't revealed to the populace. If some secret illuminati-type very powerful organization wanted to keep a secret, it wouldn't let so many books be published that actually have the TRUTH in them would they? Nah, it's called a lie sandwich. Put a little lie (that changes everything) between 2 buns of truth. Sounds soooo cool and real except for that one white lie, the one that's detrimental to further understanding of the conspiracy theory at hand. Or they overexaggerate the conspiracy theory - the theory might be that our government is in covert contact with aliens. So some "agents" come along and add to the theory: Our government ARE aliens, and they're ready to take over the world any time now.. with HAARP and other stuff! All must fear! See how that could turn off most people because there might be truth in there mixed with lies making it too weird to even consider etc? These guys are really good at what they do.. so be ever-vigilant and never believe anything or take anyone's word for anything. Investigate to find out the objective truth.. by sifting through almost countless smoke-screens and lies. Let's not jump to conclusions however, and remember that no one is benevolent or manevolent (including any alien race), all is subjective and relative. To cows we're pretty evil, but we might not consider that to be so.. we're just eating them right? All is relative. But really check out that site I mentioned above, it's VERY interesting to say the least! Same goes for good and evil.. they are just words, but really describe an act as seen from someone else's eyes, the reason behind the act is usually one that attempts to justify it, eliminating "evil" as a reason (No one kills someone and later when asked why says "cuz I'm evil, that's what I do"). All is relative (in terms of judgement only, however). You CAN assess a situation objectively and it won't be relative, because relativity is only applied to JUDGEMENT, not pure assessment of what actually occured (although the assessment can also be wrong, so try to stay objective). Blah this is a frickin' book now. Well that's all I have to say about that

[Edited on 28-11-2003 by lilblam]

[Edited on 28-11-2003 by lilblam]

[Edited on 28-11-2003 by lilblam]

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