posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 01:54 AM
Hi everyone!!! I'm new to posting here but i have been reading the forums for a few weeks now. I have always been curious about what the goverment
is hiding from us and how it will effect us as a nation. My special interests are in the Omega Agency and the NWO topics. To sum it up a little.....I
dont trust the government, never have. Really how can you is my question with all of the things that they have done to their own people...etc. While
the U.S. government is taking us all on a ride in a downhill race, I feel the need to prepare for the worst. So theres a little bit about me,
probably not what was expected, but...... Now dont get me wrong, I love my country and what it used to be about...I just dont agree with the way
things are headed now.