posted on Nov, 17 2002 @ 01:34 AM
Psypher you idiot, you are a fool to think I don't know my own history, the Soviet Union spent ALL the time from 1939 to 1941 moving ALL the
factories it had in beylor-russia and ukraine to the urals.
You wanna know why?
Now sit down and pick up a history book.
You can read the reasons there....if you think Stalin was surprised by hitler's attack you are an idiot. And if you think that it is Logistically
BETTER to move the factories FURTHER FROM THE FRONT then you are futher stupid. In fact I'm sure there is something in writing somewhere that even
has stalin talking about it, but I'm not looking for it, that can be your homework.
I bet you think it was the Russian Winter that "saved" russia too....god shows how much Americans really know about foriegn history.
In actuality russian victory was achieved more so by the Russian useage of the hmm S.A.W. automatic? Or is it Squad Automatic, I can never remember
the names....but the introduction of a new weapon as standard issue was what saved russia, previously they had been using the ol' 1 gun 2 guys
tactic. The introduction of some modern weaponry, and Tanks that worked more efficiently in winter conditions, mudered the Nazis.
In any case...the Soviets knew they were going to be attacked, they prepared for it, you want proof open a history book.
Oh and Psypher you ask WHY they would sign the treaty? Because they BOTH needed time. Hitler knew he could not fight a war on 2 fronts, he went
through WW1, and Russia knew that if they were attacked in 1939 they would lose all their tank and munitions production capacity. Hitler knew that he
would need to remove the french before he even thought about attacking the Russians, or else the allies would have full access to attcking germany
They both signed the pact as a means to prolong the inevitable, so that both of them stood a chance.
Soviet Union would have fallen if Germany attaced in '39 but Germany would have fallen shortly after....remember, there are political entanglements
here, Russia is trying to keep communism, if it were to buckle under the Nazis then Nazis would occupy Russia until it was liberated by the Allies and
the allies wouldn't hesitate at the chance to remove communism from the earth.
I bet you did not know that just after WW2 we tried to help the Nationals in China kill the communists...why do you think there is a Taiwan?
To sum it up, a war between Germany and Russia in '39 would have been the death of BOTH nations. In their eyes at the time.
Of course not even hitler's generals expected France to buckle so quickly.
Now if there is an EDUCATED person who has come across another reason that they signed the Treatie by my guest, but they knew they would be at war
with eachother. One other primary reason....every nation's leader at the time knew that Hitler had proclaimed that Russia would be Germany's
You really think Stalin thought that meant they were going to sit on their asses the whole time?
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[Edited on 17-11-2002 by FreeMason]
[Edited on 17-11-2002 by FreeMason]