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The Canadian Security Intelligence Service alleges Almrei is linked to Osama bin Laden.

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posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 01:41 PM
Hey Neo,

You must live in a city. The smart ones amongst us moved out to the country where we avoid all this shyte. Who needs all this crap when we can step outside and defoliate a forest and use the firewood to cook up the endangered specied that we just shot????

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:28 PM
TheNeo: "Yes Most Canadians are backstabbers, I know this cause I live here."

Nice of you to wrongly stereotype tens of millions of your own countrymen. I wonder if you have the 'nads to say this to ANYONE you know in Canada, though I suspect you are far too gutless if you're not hiding behind an anonymous alias.

Are we backstabbers because we stayed out of Iraq after the Canadian PUBLIC stated that they didn't want their children fighting and dying in Iraq for the US? That's called DEMOCRACY, look it up. It's called following the will of the people.

Are we backstabbers because we have thousands of peacekeepers around the world (including Afghanistan) getting shot at and killed trying to PROTECT people?

We would rather kiss the azz of 'Europeans' on the issue of idealogy when it has been hundreds of years since they did anything for this country. Actually I am wrong about that, they never did anything for this country except EXPLOIT IT!

Explain how a) we kiss European ass.
b) Europe has never done anything for us.
c) what "idealogy" are you specifically talking about.

"America, meet your backstabbing and ungrateful neighbour. Time to pay more attention to this relationship or it will stab you in the back"

I have a simple solution for you. Move to the States, you won't be missed here at all.

I slam the US administration because I think they deserve it. I DON'T throw a net over ALL Americans and insult them and call them names. If you feel this way, and you still live in Canada, you ought to move. Don't use our socialized medicine, don't use our inexpensive education (though I suspect that's not an issue based on your spelling and grammar), don't piggyback on our international good name.

The only backstabber I see here is you, I hope your parents are proud.


Canadian and proud of it

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:39 PM

your point being....

let me know when you can construct one.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:42 PM
You guys are getting W A Y off topic, and the pointless minor flameing is not productive. I would recommend trying to be mature about this before warns are issued.
If I have to give out a warn, all parties involved will receive them guilty or not.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Jakomo
TheNeo: "Yes Most Canadians are backstabbers, I know this cause I live here."

Nice of you to wrongly stereotype tens of millions of your own countrymen. I wonder if you have the 'nads to say this to ANYONE you know in Canada, though I suspect you are far too gutless if you're not hiding behind an anonymous alias.

You know there are three things WORTH saying to you now.

1. It is obvious that I know what I am talking about and it is a waste of my time trying to make you understand it.

2. You are oppositional period! Refer to point 1.

3. For those of you that do agree with me or see merit in my position, now you have proof. Furthermore, this person proves that they do not know what democracy is because our esteemed leader NEVER said to anyone on the world stage that MY COUNTRY IS DIVIDED ON THIS ISSUE. Which many opinion polls showed. Conclusion: this was his opinion and that of his friends and supporters. Not even that of the majority. Although as time went on due to constant and consistent propaganda from ALL MEDIA in THIS country called Canada, public opinion did go against the Iraq war by a slight majority.
Are we backstabbers because we stayed out of Iraq after the Canadian PUBLIC stated that they didn't want their children fighting and dying in Iraq for the US? That's called DEMOCRACY, look it up. It's called following the will of the people.

Are we backstabbers because we have thousands of peacekeepers around the world (including Afghanistan) getting shot at and killed trying to PROTECT people?

We would rather kiss the azz of 'Europeans' on the issue of idealogy when it has been hundreds of years since they did anything for this country. Actually I am wrong about that, they never did anything for this country except EXPLOIT IT!

Explain how a) we kiss European ass.
b) Europe has never done anything for us.
c) what "idealogy" are you specifically talking about.

"America, meet your backstabbing and ungrateful neighbour. Time to pay more attention to this relationship or it will stab you in the back"

I have a simple solution for you. Move to the States, you won't be missed here at all.

I slam the US administration because I think they deserve it. I DON'T throw a net over ALL Americans and insult them and call them names. If you feel this way, and you still live in Canada, you ought to move. Don't use our socialized medicine, don't use our inexpensive education (though I suspect that's not an issue based on your spelling and grammar), don't piggyback on our international good name.

The only backstabber I see here is you, I hope your parents are proud.


Canadian and proud of it

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:47 PM
Why were both of my posts removed?

Do I not have a right to defend myself after being called names and being personally attacked?

In this case I requested that the last post of each of these two individuals be removed. I do not want their comments AGAINST me to stand.

Thank You.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:52 PM
Sorry Advisor, I apologize. I tend to get a little antsy when someone pigeonholes a country's whole entire population without reason and without proof and without merit. Especially my own country.

I would do the same if anyone said all Americans are backstabbers, as well, even though I'm not American.


posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:52 PM
I cannot moderate this forum, I can however issue warnings. Please u2u the moderator of this forum for any questions. If they are not availible, the usual "complain" feature can be used.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 07:00 PM

thank you for your immediate response and vigilence.

fortunately for ATS there are people here that are:

A. On the job
B. Know how to do their job.

I will consider complaining in future if need be.
I will stand down on this issue since the one individual did appologize but NOT TO ME of course.
I will do this to prove that I am above this pettyness.

Again thank you, good to know somebody around here in on the up and up.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 09:07 PM
TheNeo: Feel free to explain, though, how:

a) we kiss European azz.
b) Europe has never done anything for us.
c) what "idealogy" are you specifically talking about.

In U2U if you don't feel like explaining that in a public forum, and under scrutiny.

As for the original subject of the thread, it seems like it's completely fair for Canada to not deport this man to Syria until we have investigated the matter fully. It's not like this guy is running around the streets, he's still incarcerated at a federal facility.

If we deport him to Syria, his testimony and/or confession wouldn't exactly be ironclad. Attach electrodes to someone's jewels or beat them incessantly for weeks (which Syria is known for), and he may say anything just to make it stop.


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