Going to be a very good series with these two teams. Look for a better match-up between the two goalies. Turco had a great first series, but didn't
have a sshout-out, Giguere is going to have a big confiendce boost with his performance agaisnt the Wings. Going to be a very hard team to stop with
Giguere, but like PA said i think Stars in six or sence as well.
i dont really like the stars, so i'm going to root for who i'm pretty sure that even though they just swept the wings, would be considered the
underdog in this series. It'll be a close one, six or seven games definately. both goalies are playing great!
Hard to believe that the Ducks are going to the Stanley Cup finals and are 12-2 in the playoffs. They're getting lots of rest right now while Jersey
and Ottawa battle to a 7th game. What a story if they could win the Cup.