posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Giants Fan brought up a good point, with all this Ortiz/Rodriguez MVP debate, not much has been said about Vlad, but if you think about it, he really
is the best choice.
Ortiz- Has Damon, Ramierez, and Varitek as his best three around him
Rodriguez has Sheffield, Giambi, and Matsui/Jeter
Vlad has Anderson, Molina, and Erstad
Who seems to be carrying their team more?
Ramierez has 125 rbi's, and damon has 72
giambi has 80 rbis, matsui has 102, and sheffield has 110
anderson has 88, molina has 64 and molina has 60
this means that vlads 2-3-4s rbis are 37-65 less rbis than everyone else
Sure Arod is the best player in the league, but Vlad has been single handedly keeping his team afloat in the offensive department