posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 05:02 PM
But the most common in text is the relaxation method, where you slowly consciously make yourself becoming relaxed, first starting at the feet and
moving upward. Eventually, you will become aware of two different states; your physical and mental. At this point, you are supposed to will yourself
into the mental body (usually located a mere inch or so above your own). If you can get into this form, then you are free. *Bit of advice for
this... don't relax to the point of falling asleep! And, for the first couple times, do not look at your body, it'll be disorientating*
A second method is merely a suggestion as to body positioning. The various books will say rest with your head facing North, on your back, arms across
your chest.
The method I find the easiest to do is taking control of your dreams... too much happens to me if I try a different method, so this is the one that
works best for me. *You'll find out that, with any subject, each author has their own style... try to find the one that best fits your idea, and be
free to change it to suit your needs* I'll fall asleep, and when I start to dream, I have my dream self turn to me and say, I am dreaming. There
will be a rush of psyonic energy, and you'll be in an astral state.
Along with the dream method, have you ever tried to fall asleep, and know when you are about to sleep? That half-state where you are sleeping, yet
aware of everything happening around you? This state of mind ties in with the first method I mentioned, as well as the dream state. Stay focused in
this stage, drift off a little bit more, and you'll be free.
Now, some pepople will say you have a silver cord attached to yourself and your body. Not entirely true. If you want an anchoring cord there, then
there will be one. If you wish it not to be so, then it won't. An anchor helps some people into believeing that if they lose their way, that they
can find their body again... I myself don't use one, my reasoning being that I already know where my body is... exactly where I left it when I went
Now, then, the warnings... "You'll be possessed" or "They'll take your body and leave you behind". Not true. Do you want your body stolen?
Would you like to share your body? Nothing of that nature can do anything to you without permission. Astrally, you are in control of your body and
spirit, and can do anything to ensure its protection.
Lastly, you can travel anywhere on this plane. It doesn't even have to be on this planet or dimension; just be careful so that you don't lose sense
of self, or your perspective. Time has no meaning... a day or two astrally are just mere moments here.
You do need to be prepared for just about anything, though. Be mentally strong, strong willed. If you can imagine it, it exists astrally. If you
can will it, you can do anything. But you have to be prepared to expect anything and everything. Expect the worse, and everything else will be less
than what you expect.
*This is not saying the astral realm is a harsh place, for it isn't. What you bring to it will reflect back onto you. If you expect (or "know")
you'll have to fight for your body... that is exactly what you have to do. If you go in with a good attitde and good intentions, then nothing will
be denied*
Lastly... be patient and practice. You will, more than likely, not be able to project your first (or second, or third) time. You may feel yourself
depart, then become giddy with excitement (COOL! I'M DOING IT!) and then BAM be back in solid form. Just be patient... practice. Whatever method
you chose to you, wether it is a mainstream way, or one you devised on your own, stick with it, become familiar with it.
The world and all around it can be yours. Hope to see you there.