as a kid i spent many happy hours playing the strat-o-matic board game with my friends, now i see that they have an online game as well as a computer
game out. has anyone ever played either? any good? worth fifty bucks?
it's a baseball simulation game, can be very detailed and is statistically accurate, was a great game, as manager you could make all the game
i emailed for a catalog, when it comes in i will take a look at it, if you go to their site there is a link for it, i don't see why we couldn't make a
league, it was always a good game and i see that they have advanced and super advanced versions for adults, would be worth a look
oh man, you are making me think back a lot of years, as i remember you had a batters card and a pitchers card, you could pinch hit or change pitchers
as the lefty righty match up made a differance, there was also a fatigue factor for the pitchers, the result of the play was determined by a roll of 3
or 4 dice, was a great game
they now have it as a computer game as well as a board game, they also have it as an internet game but it costs $25 dollars per team, am gonna look
into the computer game though
just looked on ebay and the games we had as kids are going for over $100 now with lots of bids
jsut got my strat-o-matic computer game, wish i could let you guys know how it is but i am having some installation problems, will give ya the skinny
when i am able to play a game
thanks but it is some kind of techie problem, i got a cd and a floppy, it keeps saying that i don't have the original floppy in, well it better be the
original cause that is what they sent
just posted my problem on a strat-o-matic message board, some guy has already emailed me and said he had the same problem and had to call tech support
and they gave him a bunch of numbers to make it work, the problem is that it is only available from 8:30am-12:30 pm east coast time, might just have
to be sick tomorrow...cough..cough...cough
finally got the game up and running, it is a fantastic game, it is a sim, not an action game, you have the choice to be the manager and lots of
choices, have only played 3 games so still lots to learn, looks real good so far, have not tried to play an online game yet
yes, you manage your own team and make all the decisions, the graphics are real basic, the sounds suck but it is good realistic gameplay, you can play
exhibition games, your own league, or on line against others(haven't tried this yet) the web site gives a good overview of the game, the brochure is
better and more informative, there is a link for that on the site, you can even order discs for any season back to 1900, it is a great game for
serious baseball fans