posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 02:15 PM
They wait for peace, but the sword is coming. They see not why it comes, and they don't understand why it is important, for their hearts are only
human, their hearts know not the Law of God and why it's perfect. To use miracles and refer to the plan of the "Golden Ones" and the "Builders"
to "proove" the prophecy to be true, I find quite absurd. The book will be fulfilled, to wish for anything else would be to cut off the head of
John, disregard the sacrifice of Jesus and further the persecution of the elect up through the ages. It isn't the church that will be persecuted, but
the faithful and elect of God, you don't find them in a perticular house or in a certain garden, you find them in our midst. They have been chosen by
the Father in Heaven, not the father of the Curia, who is C�sar and the severed head of the beast. Rome will be destroyed by Germans or Nazis it
seems, for like Cain killed Abel out of heartbroken sorrow, so has God, who is Love, layed down in their hearts a hate towards Rome it seems, for I
honestly believe that the children of Babylon will repent from their hethen ways and return to their God in pureness and Salvation. To wish for peace
in this world, and not rightiousness is human, even diabolic. It is to wish for the prophets to be liars, but the prophets have written about them too
and the plan of the AntiChrist, who doesn't want what God wants, only what humans want. God wants faithfulness, not worthless offerings to idols and
sacrifices to humans.
Pray instead for deliverance for the elect, and that the numbers of sacred marthyrs to be fulfilled in the name of Love and Rightiousness, so the Day
may come to the faithful, and that the multitude of the nations who will win the victory of the True Heart, which is the Heart of God, pray that the
multitude will be so great, that Satan will never reach in to what virgin they guard, that they must stand strong at Harmagheddon with God's Love as
the Strength in their Hearts and protect the Bride of the Lamb in Spirit and Strength, prayer and perservance, and that they must be brave and that
God must deliver them, and releive them from our Enemy when he runs around the world to gather the kings and governments and vage war against God's
chosen Virgin, who is not one but many. Their children will be brought up by my God and receive eternal teachings from the hands of angels. May God
give them sign of faith and deliverance in their hearts, so they don't fall short and run over to the Enemy because of all the dreadful judgements
that is at hand.
Pray that the Lamb of God may be releived of pain and suffering when the slaughtering comes and the grains and fruits of this Earth is harvested, when
the Lamb and the Word of God will get their promise fulfilled, and that the kings and govs must stand strong against the Enemy and see his wicked
plans. Pray also for the inhabitants of the nations, that they may understand why peace and rightiousness can only come after Satan and his servants
have fulfilled their measures. Pray also for the sinners and the Enemy, don't blame them, and everyone the Enemy gathers with weapons in their hands
and hate in their hearts. Thus you will gather glowing coal on his heads. And on the heads of his servants. Let them fulfill their measures. Then and
only then will we be delivered. There is no greater love, than to lay down your life for another. If there come peace to the world as it is now, the
troubles would only escalate, and maybe in the end noone will be saved. Pray that God shortens the time so even more can be saved.
Pray that God will deliver as many as possible, and that the Victory of Yeshuah may be completed and reveiled for all when his enemies are gathered
before him. How he will win his Victory, not with arms and fire, vagons and canons, but with the touch of angels and the Seal of God. May the Holy
Spirit lead them and give them manna in the right time. Pray that God sends his mightiest servants to protect them against the armed Iscariots of this
world, whose desires are diabolic and human. But there will be a couple with swords in their hands, and one of them will smite because of his
borderless love for his King. Pray that this will be the will of God, that he may be forgiven, and pray that the killed will be resurrected, so he can
fulfill his measures. This will be a sign you will all understand when the Day comes.
The leaders of the nations have drifted into the ways of Cain, and trust nothing but their own strength for the protection of filth and godlessness.
Their hearts are not directed to God, but to ignorance, stubbornness, falseness and lies. They must pay for their sins, and they will pay with
reveiling for everyone the true nature of their hearts.
But be patient! Many things must happen first. And mind your tongue, that you do not judge what you don't understand. Leave the Judgement to your
God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Blessings in Yeshuah, the Son of God and High Priest of Heaven!
Brother of Jakob
Light Burden!
God's Beed!
May the Will of God be fulfilled!