posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 02:50 AM
You know right now they are trying to get people to choose this but if that does not work with incentives and all that all they really have to do is
give us a scare like Sars or polio and say get vaccinated we have to vaccine to keep you from getting it (like with smalpox I have a smallpox scar
from vaccination as a child, I remember it, it hurt a lot and I had to have it before I could go to school) and the next thing you know we are all
running to get it maybe even paying to get it and then a year later we go in a store after everyone has gotten vaccinated and they scan us to see how
much money we have in the bank and all our info is there like address, ss# etc and they have computers tracking us constantly, they know our every
move. Its a scary thought and we all know our governments are sneaky enough to lie us to us whenever it serves thier purpose. The only good thing is
it would stop crime all together but i personally see this as the mark of the beast so the tradeoff of course is not worth it.