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posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 10:01 AM
A question:

What if some-one knows that all the religions around the world are the same, and could give information about the aliens and everything related to it, with thanks to the hundreds of thousands of describtions and the millions of people which saw them? Or are you rather going to stay with the crop circels and vague sightings? I have mentioned this before but didn't get much response, hey it's your choice.


posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 08:25 PM
You probably got no responses because no one can understand what you are trying to say. I apologize if I am wrong and someone understands what the hell you are trying to say, but I dont understand your point. Please be more clear as to your point, what exactly are you asking?

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
A question:

What if some-one knows that all the religions around the world are the same, and could give information about the aliens and everything related to it, with thanks to the hundreds of thousands of describtions and the millions of people which saw them? Or are you rather going to stay with the crop circels and vague sightings? I have mentioned this before but didn't get much response, hey it's your choice.

Then that 'Someone' would probably be God

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 08:55 PM
i would think the "real" cave pantings from long, long ago and pantings and such proove that "aleins" had something to do with religion

but, i would like to see "hard" proof that the cavepantings and other drowings were "real"

and when the bibble was "edited" what was left out?

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:20 AM
Dmsoldier, nothing is left out of the bible, just look at Ezekiel and Job. Look at the states translation. Just look at the stories which are told, and compare them to the Egyptian mythology.

What I mean is that the religions themselves could say a lot about the aliens about which you seem to speak of.

This is what other religions tell us. That is what I mean with information about aliens, not the cropcircles etc.

This is the kind of information which religions give us, just look further then the bible..

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:32 AM

(edit to add line wrap)

[Edited on 26-11-2003 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Dmsoldier, nothing is left out of the bible, just look at Ezekiel and Job. Look at the states translation. Just look at the stories which are told, and compare them to the Egyptian mythology.

You couldn't be further from the truth. There were originally something like 80 Gospels. The compilers of the Bible discarded those that did not fit their political purposes.
When these gospels turned up in the shape of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hamadi texts, the church sat on them and it's only recently that we have been allowed to view them.

As for your statement about Egyptian mythology, I believe that Christianity, Judaism and Islam stem from Egyptian religions of the past - especially that of Osiris. The similarities are too striking to be coincidence. When you study the history of the Jews you are boldly told (even in the Bible!!!) that they spent quite some time in Egypt. It is entirely plausible that some of their beliefs were directly lifted from Egyptian theories.
Things start to get even more interesting when you go back even further to ancient Sumeria.

There is no doubt in my mind that our ancestors had a very good understanding of thier universe that was far in advance of their time (or maybe we today have just lapsed). You only have to take a look at some of the great mystery sites of the world, ie: Stonehenge, the Pyramids, etc, to see that they had a knowledge which could even be beyond our understanding today.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:39 AM
What if only one ever existed with his wife and their two children. What if it decides it didn't like the you in it? YHWH ! You see I loved Mari and the twins with all my heart and you have either faith or not that I am telling the truth of GOD. I am so hurt by the fact that I know one thing: If YHWH in the pit, and everything was removed from the books of the lamb by the lamb's sister would mom have had to be a man to find her wife or husband? He may have been deaf in the mind's ears, but he relly heard the truth in the words of the heart.
This is not pride when truth as know absolute unto one self. '4' and twenty elders, ya know what I mean? If I find out that my family was harmed in this i will pour the bowls of wrath as the father weeps unto his every living piece of self unto perfect.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Spell it the other way dolt and make out the words sorry I feel the truth in my words. consider one little thing.....What if I am telling you the truth in the words of God himself? Don't care neither do I? So, Mr. 80 gospels. Ever consider one may remember EVERY thing from EVERY life as a one who at every moment in every time was everyone and in the hour he was gone his whole family was destroyed. Up to you. What if I decided to think for you who know what i say is true as I asked you to remember?

P.S. It was 2 stream employees who left cookies in my mother's computer and cost her 350 dollars when she has to go to the food bank for groceries.
What did he ever do to you to deserve this as then now and never again if I want. He lived unto his own and just perfect truth in all he shared with you.
You are not existential without him as he was once each one of you but has no problem with pulling the ...and making it all go.....boom. Better call him.

[Edited on 11/26/03 by Lucifer]

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:47 AM
Stop burbling, you crank.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:58 AM
Hi leen, so what u wanna say is that something from what we dont no if its there and how [god/bible] is gonna explain something else that is not know [aliens], would that not make a big mess..

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 02:12 AM
Leveller the book of Enoch you can still see for example, there is left out something offcourse (or more: not read in church) but you still can see enough of the gospels to get a good picture.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
but you still can see enough of the gospels to get a good picture.

I disagree. The picture you see is what the church wants you to see.
There was so much that was lifted from other religions, changed to suit politicians and omitted that it's almost impossible to see what was really behind the Bible. Add to that the fact that we in the West are raised to believe that the Bible is correct in every way and I am left with the feeling of being cheated.
Take the New Testament for example. When it was compiled, the Jerusalem Church was just one of many. To survive it had to appeal to the masses and gain control over them. The New Testament uses the same theme of Salvation that many religions before it used as it is a way of comforting the lazy masses - Get born, live your life, but don't worry because Jesus dide for your Salvation. People followed the church because it promised them something at the end. And then to solidify their power base they invented the punishment of Hell as a threat to those who didn't follow them. Even now, the Church is constantly updating to adapt to the people around it. Up until recently, Hell was a place of fire, brimstone and eternal torture. But people were turning away from the church so what do they do? They re-adapt their definition of hell to a place that is simply nothingness. Not half as bad to those who don't really think about it.

The Church has lied, manipulated and controlled. It has killed and murdered in the name of a God of Love.
I don't trust it one little bit.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:57 AM
The church doesn't want to let us see the book of Enoch but still we see it... they skip some passages which we could see... you can still get a good picture of what the Bible was all about if you also use the other religions...

This topic was also more meant for the other religions in which aircrafts, technologies are described etc.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 01:46 AM
I think LeenBekkemaa was trying to express different LEVELS of understanding the UFO/ET problem. Do we look to someone (could be just geniuses) to make us think about the bigger picture, or do we continue to wallow in chasing the relatively small events....sightings, photos, crop circles, etc.
We need someone or several people to pull it all together for us. There ARE people who can do that. They are just geniuses or "spiritual masters".....depending on whether those people want to keep it secular or not.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
A question:

What if some-one knows that all the religions around the world are the same, and could give information about the aliens and everything related to it, with thanks to the hundreds of thousands of describtions and the millions of people which saw them? Or are you rather going to stay with the crop circels and vague sightings? I have mentioned this before but didn't get much response, hey it's your choice.

Seems logical to me. I would go with the person that knows it all. No better way to squash a conspiracy then having someone with inside info on it all.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 02:01 AM
I have an answer to the question of aliens. When I was saved by the Lord, The holy Ghost stepped inside me and spoke through me...I sounded like an old Baptist preacher, you know when they sound like they cant catch there breath when there preaching . The first 2 things he said through me were "You wonder about dinosaurs, God made them. You wonder about Aliens, God made them" I thought alot about what he said and I am thinking hey , they are living beings like us, our sins in the eyes of God may be totally different for them. Such as abducting humans and experimenting on them. Im sure alot of aliens refrain from abducting such as alot of us refrain from killing, stealing ect. Maybe there noy so different from us on the basis of having feelings and the most important worshiping our God.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by hillrunner
I have an answer to the question of aliens. When I was saved by the Lord, The holy Ghost stepped inside me and spoke through me...I sounded like an old Baptist preacher, you know when they sound like they cant catch there breath when there preaching . The first 2 things he said through me were "You wonder about dinosaurs, God made them. You wonder about Aliens, God made them" I thought alot about what he said and I am thinking hey , they are living beings like us, our sins in the eyes of God may be totally different for them. Such as abducting humans and experimenting on them. Im sure alot of aliens refrain from abducting such as alot of us refrain from killing, stealing ect. Maybe there noy so different from us on the basis of having feelings and the most important worshiping our God.

OK, You were saved by the lord and that the Holy Ghost told you that God created Aliens? I have no reason to believe you werent saved and I am not here to criticize you, your beliefs or your so call experiances, BUT, Why would the Holy Ghost tell you the answers to Dinosaurs and Aliens instead of telling you that your grandparents are doing good in heaven, or that your family will be waiting for you?

And secondly how do you know it was the Holy Ghost, did he introduce himself before he told you about Aliens and Dinosaurs.....Something like this...

"Hi youve been saved and I am the Holy Ghost....In just a matter of minutes you will know how Aliens and Dinosaurs were created....."

Get real, sorry your story reeks of BS.

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by Dreamz]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Dreamz

Originally posted by hillrunner
I have an answer to the question of aliens. When I was saved by the Lord, The holy Ghost stepped inside me and spoke through me...I sounded like an old Baptist preacher, you know when they sound like they cant catch there breath when there preaching . The first 2 things he said through me were "You wonder about dinosaurs, God made them. You wonder about Aliens, God made them" I thought alot about what he said and I am thinking hey , they are living beings like us, our sins in the eyes of God may be totally different for them. Such as abducting humans and experimenting on them. Im sure alot of aliens refrain from abducting such as alot of us refrain from killing, stealing ect. Maybe there noy so different from us on the basis of having feelings and the most important worshiping our God.

OK, You were saved by the lord and that the Holy Ghost told you that God created Aliens? I have no reason to believe you werent saved and I am not here to criticize you, your beliefs or your so call experiances, BUT, Why would the Holy Ghost tell you the answers to Dinosaurs and Aliens instead of telling you that your grandparents are doing good in heaven, or that your family will be waiting for you?

And secondly how do you know it was the Holy Ghost, did he introduce himself before he told you about Aliens and Dinosaurs.....Something like this...

"Hi youve been saved and I am the Holy Ghost....In just a matter of minutes you will know how Aliens and Dinosaurs were created.....

Get real, sorry your story reeks of BS.

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by Dreamz]
I dont know why he said what he said , he was speaking through me. Like an amplifier was plugged into my head. He didnt have to introduce himself. I felt someone standing behind me and was ready to jump up, you know, like I knew someone was in my house. And I heard a voice say "Dont be afraid" and an instant calm came over me. I just know what I recieved that night was a gift. It is called Salvation. Why he spoke through me and the many things he said I still ponder to this day. It happened and was very real. Sorry you think its bull. Hollrunner

[Edited on 10-24-03 by hillrunner]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 02:24 AM
Sorry if you cant read my answers on the post Dreamz, I messed up trying to type in my answers.

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