OK, I feel compelled to respond in some manner to all this ridiculousness. Having read all of these quotes I find it is overwhelming, which leads me
to believe that whoever posted this intends to demoralizes, otherwise they would have posted the solutions as well. If you’re not part of the
solution than you are part of the problem! At this point I still see the solution is simple. The first step is to hold accountable those that have
sworn an oath of office. Since all of those that are in positions of presumed power have sworn an oath to support the constitution for the united
states of America, and since they do not know and do not follow the constitution, whether it is valid or not makes no difference because they get paid
and have sworn an oath to support it. Therefore, they are committing fraud, sedition, acts of treason, embezzlement and any other number of offenses
that are suitable both in criminal court as well as civil courts to our benefits. I am in that process myself right now. It is common sense that if
we get those that have sworn oaths of office to know and obey that oath of office then a great deal of these problems would and will not exist. Once
we have bodyguards in place that will do due diligence to protect us and our rights then we have a chance of moving on to the bigger problem at hand
if it exists with all of this King ship and Britain stuff. This is something that each and every one of us can do without having to read study or
know anything except one simple concept that they have sworn an oath and must abide by it. If they don’t know what it says, then arrest them. File
charges against them. Do something to hold them accountable. Require a trial by jury in all cases. Do not waive your rights. If it is
unconscionable to you then it is unconscionable and therefore unlawful. You are the law; they are merely the law enforcers. Hold them accountable to
their job.
One other thing, I find a very important document has failed to be mentioned here, and that is the Declaration of Independence, which clearly
states that, it is self evident that we were all created by a creator (not a King, a government, an agency, or anything made of man or by man),
created equally and endowed with unalienable rights. This is irrefutable as it is “self evident”! It is also irrefutable that we were all
created unique and different and free to be that which we were created to be. To attempt to enslave to control to administer to govern to rule or any
other impositions is as ridiculous as telling all birds that they must saying the same song, the clouds must be the same size and same shape, the
stars must remain in the same place in the sky, that the grass shall not grow any higher than 3in., that one man is the King, that rape is acceptable
or that might makes right. Personally I am so sick and tired of corruption, corruption, corruption and the acceptance of it as if it is acceptable.
I am also sick of people creating problems as well as those that so diligently point out the problems with out a solution thereby becoming part of the
problem. One solution that comes to mind is that if the King or the queen or Britain or the Pope, the church or whatever entity you want to call it,
can proclaim itself then it is equally reasonable that each one of us merely needs to proclaim ourselves superior to them and subject them to our
rule. In other words what’s good for them is good for us or as I’d like to say as you do unto others it shall be done unto you. So therefore
anyone, any entity that proclaims itself above any other automatically subjects itself to being the servant. Since the creator does not impose its
will upon us, by example we have no business imposing our will upon. Since none of us created this earth this solar system this universe, not even
one grain of sand or one blade of grass, we cannot lay claim nor take credit for and therefore have no authority, jurisdiction or rights to dictate.
Not one can determine the years, days, minutes, seconds, or microseconds of our lives, nor have any comprehension of where we come from or where we
are going, since we may not presume to have any authority over our own lives, certainly can not concerning anyone else. Therefore, all these words,
all these proclamations, all these rules, laws, codes, treaties, agreements and so forth are merely posturing and have no validity in truth. A
contract by its definition is a meeting of the minds and agreeing to a mutual benefit. No contract is valid if it is to the demise of any other and
all words are forms of a contract, And any promise made is based on the hope that by doing our due diligence we may fulfill our promises by the grace
of our creator that allows us to have such audacity.
So until somebody steps forward and proves to me that they created me, then they have no authority concerning me! Therefore, I am a living soul
and breathing spirit beholden to none other than myself and my creator! Any questions?
Please also recognize the responsibility as described in the Declaration of Independence, whereby it says “when ( not if ) a government misuses
its powers to have control over the people it is the right, it is the Duty of the people to throw that government off and instituting a new one that
protects their rights.” Notice the word duty. Notice that it says that having control over the people is a misuse of power! How much clearer can
it be? Know therefore that anyone or anything that would attempt to impose upon you or anyone is unlawful, by the creators’ law, international law,
constitutional law, state law and common sense weather common or not. Any objections? Now I have made a proclamation, let it be law superseding all
other for all time and time again.