posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 12:58 PM
How do you think the NWO will affect the following :
1. The news and how it's reported. not that we do now, but would we ever really be informed of what's going on in the world ?
2. What we watch - television shows - movies.
Would all of the television shows pertain to NWO and the new way of life, the same with movies... ?
3. Would Sports change, would thier still be professional sports ?
4. What about schools and universities, each and every kid from kindergarten through high school a uniform to wear ? The studies, what would they be
like, would History be taught the same as it is now ?
5. Our homes and cars, could they still be what we want or would thier be one "style" or "type" and eventually all others would be done away
Those are some basic questions / ideas that I had. What do you guys think ? We've all talked about some other aspects of the NWO, what about these ?