posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 05:04 PM
Some people do enjoy fear; it's why they go on rollercoaster�s and watch horror films. If you watched a horror film wanting to be scared and ended up
laughing at it, you'd be pissed off. When it's considered in the context of current events, it's like misery, it enjoys company. It is of course
senseless to ignore the realities of either the positive or the negative outlook for the sake of finding or keeping comfort within the chosen state
of mind. Positive thoughts and words catch on just the same as the negative but it is equally dangerous to ignore the realities of each.
Some people find comfort in strange things.
Your right about leaving on the positive note, I try to do it myself. It leaves a positive image of you, what you've been talking about, and leaves
the person you were talking to in a positive frame of mind too.