E, good point. And as someone said, religon is based on faith, not logic and facts.
Also, evolution has been proven. Hell, I've known it was true ever since I saw evidence of it. I don't believe in christianity for have never seen
any proof. Anyways, proof of evolution? Dolphins. They went from land to sea and they have the #ing fossils to prove it! Wait, Helen is blind, so
it's not proof, the fossils suppose to be older than 6,000 years old so that proves they were placed here by satan. Then fish, several specis of
fish fossils have been found showing minor changes but in the en the fish today better than the one of the past. Then plants, the original Oriental
Cherry tree had lots of fruits. But they were hit by a bug infestation that nearly wiped them out. The main thing that attracted the insects were
the rich ripe fruit. So after about 200 years, no more fruit on the Oriental Cherry. Well, not as many or as big. Nowadays in the US they have none
due to forced evolution by scientists to breed out berries so now they have none whatsoever.
I know, that science and facts and logic and proof. Religon can't have that now can they? People might think for themselves. Well, Mono religons
anyways. Notice that? Poly religons have freedom of choice, male and female gods, and of course older than christianity. Christianity has a male
god, be a mindless sheep or I kill you, and of course 80,000,000,000,000 stupid rules after the first ten rules they stole from the Jews that they
killed for a few hundred years to clean the planet of them.
Why the christian cross the road? Because god told him to, if he didn't god would rain down fire on his home town and kill everyone.
Why did the athiest cross the road? To get to the strip club across the street!
Also, saying that if god was disproven people wold kill each other. Damn, ou mean a church is the Manson family convention? You mean the little old
lady is actually the next Ted Bundy but doesn't kill because she fears god? Wow, you christians are twisted if you need a god to tell you not to
kill. Sad, athiests don't need that, they know that killing is wrong. Christians don't kill just because of god. PEOPLE! WARNING! DO NOT SHOW