posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:08 PM
Hello. I found your post, and I have to tell you, I've been to the Lemp Mansion. I have to say it is haunted. I never "saw" any ghosts, but I felt
the presence. I felt like I was being watched all night long. I got orbs in plenty of 35mm and digital photos. I also got what I think are faces in
certain pictures too. I would have to say if you go, stay in the William Lemp Suite. That's where my friend and I stayed. I swear William messed with
us all night long. You'll have to post your experience if you choose to go and let me know if anything happens to the temperature in there! Also, I
have a very stong feeling that the attic is the most haunted place in the house. That night I could not bring myself to go up there. I am never afraid
of stuff like that, so that was very strange for me. It was almost as though someone was telling me not to go up there. In the morning, I went up
there just fine.
Hope this helps!