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The Earth's Magnetic Field

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posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 03:59 PM
What Preparations should we make to survive as a species if we did not have a magnetic field surrounding the earth for a period of hours... days.. or even years?!

It is a scientific theory that periodically the earth's polarity swtiches north with south and vice versa. The proof for this theory is found in studying the crust of the earth and noticing the alignment of metalic rocks in layers of earth as you dig deeper into the past. The finding was that the magnetic poles seem to switch with possible regularity.

To read more about Paleomagnetism: Article on PALEOMAGNETISM

What is not known is just how close we are to the next switch in polarity and how long the switch takes.

Away from real science and on to pure speculation.... In my dreams lately I have noticed a theme. The theme centers around a group of people working tirelessly to construct some sort of bio dome. The group of people seem very agitated and complain about not having enough time to build a dome under the ocean. The landscape seems to be a desert area with a cliff face protecting the dome from the west.

In the dream the people are discussing basic survivial, and they are discussing long term survival topics. What I begin to understand late in the dream is that they are preparing for a period of time where our planet will not have a magnetic field over part or all of the planet to protect us from some sort of radiation from the sun and cosmic dust. They seem convinced that the radiation will have a slow but measurable effect if the field stays down for longer than a few consecutative days. The dome they are building is intended to protect themselves and a multitude of species of plants from harm.

I did not get the impression that the group in my dream were preparing to save animals the way Noah did. Rather, they seem more interested in saving plant life. Something about the radiation does not create a sizeable danger for animals, but plants could possibly be rare or something.. I don't know exactly what they mean in the dream.

Anyway, there is more in the dream that relates specifically to fire and this is the reason they aparently are setting up in the desert away from foiliage. They also seem very anxious about high winds. The power sources for the biodome are wind turbines anchored on the far side of crevices in the cliff wall protecting the dome from an expected strong west wind. The combonation of very high wind and fire seems to be the chief reason they are building in the desert in a protected cove.

Anyway... all of that said... is there any reason to worry at all? What would happen if the earth's magnetic field was to vanish for even a short period of time? What if the field doesn't switch overnight? What if it takes a couple of months? What if it takes years?

Here is hoping that someone scientific can give me some facts to allow me to sleep better. Either that, or should I begin writing down everything I remember from the dream? Maybe I should be taking notes?

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 04:02 PM
Look up the "Nova Magnetic storm" thread.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 04:03 PM
besides this topic being discussed before.. this is only more proof that the aliens who control us with the cosmic vibrations to their world cannot handle the mass size of the earth we live on


[Edited on 22-11-2003 by MrRadicalEd]

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 04:09 PM
How about posting a link?

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 04:18 PM
I have read somewhere that one reason Mars 'no longer' has an atmosphere, is becouse of a weak magnetic field. The weak field, allowed for the 'blowing off' of the planet, the atmosphere that was there, by solar winds.

The findings suggest that these crustal fields could have played an important role in the past evolution of Mars' atmosphere. If, as some Mars experts think, much of the planet's atmosphere was stripped away by the solar wind, these maps show where the solar wind did, and continues to do, the most damage.

Mars at one time presumably had an interior dynamo like that of the Earth, which would have generated a global magnetic field to shield the atmosphere from the solar wind.

A crucial finding was that ancient asteroid or comet impacts wiped out part of the crustal magnetism, and those regions were not subsequently remagnetized. Because these demagnetized craters are some four billion years old, the dynamo must have wound down at least that long ago.

Mitchell said the crustal fields have been there for four billion years, fending off the solar wind. Despite this protection over part of the planet, however, the solar wind is still considered the most likely cause of the loss of Mars' atmosphere.

I think that our biggest concern on earth would be an impact from a meteor, that would reduce our crustal magnetism. A magnetic polar shift, as described by an internal mass of the planet, probubly would not reduce the magnetic gauss level of our planet, although that is not to say disruption would not occur.


[Edited on 22-11-2003 by smirkley]

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 09:46 PM
What if this is a common cycle of renewal that happens on a periodic basis?

What if this is known by the elites but they do not tell us afraid to face the wrath of the people.

What if most of us are doomed one way or annother due to the changes that are coming?

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 09:57 PM
I watched the nova special and was thinking that maybe when this happened in the past as they said that this was one of the factors that the dinosaurs were wiped out....

[Edited on 11-22-2003 by sirCyco]

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 09:57 PM
The Nova special was an eye opener. The magnetic field has been declining rapidly over the last 300 years. They found evidence of pole shifts of 60 degrees over one day by taking core samples.

The interesting thing about the shift was how the poles diminish to the point of having flux lines split off and develope into multipul poles all over the world.

As the magnetic field weakens the earth's outer layer of protection is stripped away. We are all going to be effected. That is why the world governments are spraying chemtrails. It's to buy time.

Read revelations where it says the angle poured out the last vile upon the earth and then said it is done.

This is when they stop spraying the skys. When that happens you better be underground with supplies.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 10:12 PM
While I can see how solar winds might have an effect on the atmosphere of a planet, I don't think that solar winds were the result of Mars losing an oxygen atmosphere. I could be wrong, but I think it probably has more to do with the mass of Mars. The same way Ozone nearly escapes our atmosphere due to it's mass, and the way that nitrogen utterly escapes the gravitational pull of this planet; Mars may not have enough mass to sustain an oxygen atmosphere.

But, like I said, I like the theory.

Concerning other threads covering the same topic, I apologize. In the words of Joe Dirt, "I don't know what I'm doing, I'm new!"

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 10:19 PM
I guess I'm slow, but I didn't make the connection between pole shifts and the Bermuda Triangle! Of course! Why wouldn't an area be subject to magnetic disturbance due to this fluxuating phenomena. I bet there is a large amount of iron burried somewhere in the ocean floor between Bermuda and the Bahamas.

I wonder if that just might be Atlantis?


PS... "A boy without mischief is like a planet without a liquid center."

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