posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 11:42 AM
Topics it would seem are as endless, debatable and dynamic as the universe itself. This is truth. Imagination is infinite, this is the truth.
Everything in the universe requires a 'push' or a motivating force to afford causality, this is the truth. To hear one's motive rather than the
topic they speak, is to understand them better, this is the truth.
To stop living in fear is to find freedom and it isn't wrong to do so, this is the truth. To not succumb to emotion is a strength, this is the
truth. To avoid apathy in order for the right to protest a point, this is the truth. To avoid paradox debates spares a one from headaches, this is
the truth. To live seeking love and life not death and war is better, this is the truth. To become one's own project for an improved existence,
this is the truth. To afford respect as unto the Golden Rule, this is the truth. Honesty unto a friend rather than spareing feelings to lie is a
greater friend, this is the truth. To realize that faith and hope are just what they mean, this is the truth. To do what makes a one happy rather
than to do to make money alone IS happiness, thios is the truth. The meaning of life is to find meaning in it, this is the truth. To care for others
unconditionally is to know all people as a friend, this is the truth. To accept we are all equal by no judge of race, gender or other visible
deference, this is the truth. To accept one's life as equally important to all others, this is the truth. To never let oneself become other than
they are is lying to self, this is the truth. To know that our vessels of flesh are an obvious result of intended design as to afford a maker, this
is the truth. To define your own destiny and have faith an d confidence in oneself is okay, this is the truth. To speak of another when one is not
the other is ignorance in the Word, this is the truth. To challenge oneself rather than stagnate is good, this is the truth. To accept another's
opinion and afford eachother speculation free of feelings is logical, this is the truth.
To see past the image is key unto knowing, this is the truth. To waste one's time on negativity regulates negativity, this is the truth.
To do nothing is to deny oneself the right to complain, this is the truth. To insult another with no just cause for argument is lack of self-esteem,
this is the truth. To base arguments on faith or issues that are unproveable is futile, this is the truth. To oppress another is wrong, this is the
truth. To know the good-in-self and see the justice of the soul, this is the truth. To enjoy emotions as experiential motivators not barricades to
wisdom, this is the truth. Nothing is stronger than love, this is the truth. To stand behind and live by one's own dogmas or beliefs, is to live in
the truth. To think that God would offer endless harm (in theological speculation) to his own children is ludicrous, this is the truth. To wallow in
one's own reality without concern for others is primitive, this is the truth. To know thyself is paramount to enlightenment, this is the truth. To
have faith in yourself is not taking away from your 'religious' views, this is the truth. To see the scriptures as lessons AND stories, this is the
truth. To deny self for unto others is a selfless act, this is the truth.
The only truth is that there is no truth, that is the truth.