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Dragons have to be real

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posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 06:12 AM
kamodo dragon, i rest my case

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Well thought no one can doubt that huge (perhaps flying) lizards existed that was a long time ago well befor humans. The idea of large flying fire breathing lizards with 4 legs and 2 wings (some thing that is agents the most basic pentadactail limb structure) is most likely fictions inspired by creatures like crocodiles and fossil dinosaurs.

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by jeepin4x4girl
My boyfriend claims this women he works with has a hybrid lizard from Japan that looks exactly like a dragon [...]about 8 inches tall in height, it's a light brownish green color, feet like rabbits with small claws in which it can stand erect on it's hind legs, small wings (like bats, except smaller) directly on it's back. I'm skeptical about this and I think he's just pulling my leg,

Gee, ya think? The other possibility is that she tricked him into beleiveing it.


posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 06:10 PM
is locnes monster a kind of dragon??? I doent belive in the locness youst as that is said

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by jeepin4x4girl
My boyfriend claims this women he works with has a hybrid lizard from Japan that looks exactly like a dragon [...]about 8 inches tall in height, it's a light brownish green color, feet like rabbits with small claws in which it can stand erect on it's hind legs, small wings (like bats, except smaller) directly on it's back. I'm skeptical about this and I think he's just pulling my leg,

Gee, ya think? The other possibility is that she tricked him into beleiveing it.

Well, my boyfriend is a culinary arts teacher, this woman he works with is a science/biology teacher, he claims she ordered the eggs and hatched them...he said he saw her bring it in the school in the morning and was rushing to get out of the cold, he said he didn't even believe the thing was real at first, and then it stood up and opened its wings and shocked him. I guess he said when it feels threatened or scared, it stands up on it's hind legs and puts it's wings out. I still have yet to see this creature, I'm hoping to take pictures of it so I can post it up on here for you all to see.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 04:41 AM
I think it all depends on if you beleive or not. I think there's some hidden continent somewhere on earth where you could find dragons and such other creatures.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by jeepin4x4girl
I still have yet to see this creature, I'm hoping to take pictures of it so I can post it up on here for you all to see.

This story is, literally, incredible. Its so 'fantastic', that I absolutely cannot beleive it. Understand, I'd very very much like for this to be real, but either she, he, or you, are jerking everyone around. I insist that some sort of backup for this claim be brought in.

I find it extremely unlikely that she got some engineered animal from japan and was walking around with it in the cold just to show off (because it'd be dangerous to it and other) but also hasn't gone public with it. I'd really like to see some photos or a contact for the company that can do this.

What university are they at?

uber tony
think it all depends on if you beleive or not. I think there's some hidden continent somewhere on earth where you could find dragons and such other creatures.

So if I beleive in dragons then i can go to some entire continent thats somehow hidden, but if i don't beleive in it, then i just can't go there?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:54 AM
remember people tend to exagerate:

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 12:29 PM
/\ That picture above is probably the kind of lizard my boyfriend saw. He tends to exagerrate a great deal, what breed of lizard is that by the way?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:48 PM
Flying Lizard. Southeast Asian lizards of the genus Draco have also evolved gliding ability. These lizards use skin "wings" which are extended by elongated ribs. In addition to Draco, the rainforests of Malaysia are home to many other gliders including Flying Squirrels, Flying Lemurs, Flying Geckos, and even a Flying Snake.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:04 PM
Very doubtful that he'd confuse that with something. It wouldn't, at least as far as I know, rear up on its hind legs or spread its wings (might be a good defense display tho, so I could be wrong). But I don't think that they have anything to do with japan. I'd be really interested if he saw this pic and could confirm/deny.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:23 PM
dragons as we know of them (like pete's or puff) are manifestations from tales being told through large grapevines. I am sure the general description is possible, but has been extremely exaggerated, like most grapevine stories are.

most likely it started with a guy that woke up from a good drunk, hungover, naked, next to an old hag with breath so bad it melted his eyebrows, and bad breath turned into fire after told a few hundred times, and next thing you know you have a Godzilla, with the wings of a bat (size and all), that flew and breathed fire.

or maybe the whole thing started from a bad batch of mushrooms

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 02:02 AM
Talked to my boyfriend again tonight about it and I showed him the above picture that was posted, he claims that is totally not what he saw and he still stands by his description of the creature from Japan.
By the way, this woman was not showing the creature off in the cold weather, she had taken it home for the weekend and then returned it back to the school for the week and was hurrying up to get it out of the cold.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by lepracornman
kamodo dragon, i rest my case

That's "Komodo". I believe you have to "make" your case before you "rest" it! lol

dragon is just a name, not a description, they are a monitor lizard.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 02:40 AM
Good point.

I'd call that a hell of a good batch of mushrooms. LOL Besides, it could have been woad, or peyote, THC, or any number of other things. It is probably however, that just like religion, the bogey man arose from drugs. One could say the angels were, likewise manifestations of a drug clouded mind. Therefore, drugs are the gateway to both heaven and hell, within the mind, and the virgin mother of organized religion on earth.

That being said, if this dragon exists, and somebody will show me a picture of it, I'll buy one. No matter the cost. Even if it means I have to sell ALL my Star Wars guys. ::hehheh::

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
well, there is a beetle that can shoot boiling water and gas out of its ass as a defense mechanism.
Hahaha , that really cheered me up. Die hard skeptics tick me off. I am somewhat of a skeptic myself but I'm not one of those people who steamrolls over others beliefs and go "you watch too much anime" or something like that. Anyway , everyone who keeps going "they could have special glands and that's how they could produce fire"....great theories.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 11:52 AM
does anyone remember that cool 1 part series on dragons that was onb discovery channel?...and it prove that theoreticly(spelling) dragon could excist and how they could have mated and faught and flown and breath fire was on probly 2 years ago...

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 02:03 PM
Okay, here I go.
What qualifies dragons to be dragons? What do they have to have? Wings, fire breathing mouth? I don't believe dragons ever existed, dinosaurs did, but not dragons. They would have to have some sort of immune system agaisnt fire so they wouldn't get burned, like us with stomach acid. But fire? sorry, that is just crazy.

If dragons were real, we would've found bones. Paleontoligists screwed the bones correctly, they fit perfectly and every bone goes with the others. Heck, the Bible doesn't believe in dinosaurs but they have dragons in their stories, if suddenly we would classify dragons as dinosaurs they would have to change a couple of things now would they.

And Komodo dragons are NOT dragons. Just because WE humans call them dragons doesn't mean they are! Wake up people.

Dragons are only real in our minds, and in the fairytales from the Bible lol.


posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by crayon
Don't forget the Komodo Dragon. I believe I heard that its the oldest unchanged species.

well, they were named dragons because they looked like dragons to the people who discovered them :-)
i think if we're going to get into the 'do they or don't they' debate, first someone will need to define what exactly *is* a dragon. i.e, species specifications and anatomy.
as far as i've seen, most dragons in mythology were not reptiles as such, but bits and bobs of other animals, and used as metaphors to help tell tales. for an example of this, see welsh mythology (the white and red dragons symbolise the welsh and english at war).
we don't call reptiles dragons because they are, we nickname them dragons because, to us, that's what dragons look like.
the chinese were using fossilized dinosaur bones in medicine, thinking they were the bones of mighty dragons, centuries ago.
to me it would seem that the dragon is a purely mythial creature, perpetuated by misunderstandings and nice fireside stories
i still think they're cool though

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 11:07 PM
Personally I think Dragons exist or at least existed at one time or another. Someone had mentioned in one of the earlier posts that there have been no bones found of a dragon. The problem with that theory is that depending on when and where a dragon died its body and thus its bones may not have been around long enough to fossilize. Ignoring the fact that most people put dragons in the same time frame as the Dinosaurs, and instead placing them sometime after the extinction of the Dinosaurs it would seem likely that some animals either human or not would eat and or otherwise use the body and bones rather than leaving it to decay. I heard a theory a while back on how Dragons could fly, basically their bones were composed in a similar manor to flight capable birds, or in other words hollow. If this was the case and if Dragons were around after the extinction of the Dinosaurs, it would seem plausible that their bones were crushed or eater by the animals who would consume their bodies for food.

If I remember correctly (and I could be wrong on this) Bears were thought to be nothing more than a myth in North America (not sure about the Panda, in China) up until the late 1800's early 1900's, looked on in a similar light to the way most people look at big foot now. One of the main reasons why no one believed the settlers and natives at the time about the existence of bears was that they had never seen the remains of one. However, as anyone who has lived in or near the wilderness for any length of time will attest a dead body does not remain for very long in the wilderness.

As like many species on this planet it is likely that if Dragons ever existed, that we have hunted then either to the brink of extinction or out right killed them off entirely. The latter being the most likely, given that Humans tended to (and sometimes still do) destroy what they didn't understand. But should any still exist it seems likely that they have had it ingrained within them to fear man and have settled in areas that we generally wont venture. Admittedly it would become harder and harder for them to remain hidden as time goes on, given our general need to explore and lay claim to the lands we survey. However, even with our ever increasing technology, it would seem likely that there are still regions on this planet that have yet to be fully explored.

My main question to the cynics out there who say there is no way that Dragons could have existed is this. Why is it that every country across the world has a legend or legends clearly referring to dragons of some sort? Some reaching back in history many thousands of years to cave paintings and Hieroglyphs? Some of which predate most if not all know trade routes.

That's my 2 cents on the subject let me know yours.

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