posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 07:26 PM
If you've been on ATS for a long time, you can see that there are a whole bunch of different types of posts. Most of them aren't ATS specific, so
they can apply to any board. Here's some of them I can think of.
The one-liner.
We don't see alot of these nowadays, since they get deleted. Usually news articles.
The essay.
Won't post an example in consideration of conserving space.
You know what these are. Really long editorials that overwhelm you in length, but are worth the read. Something like MDS's Future Shock.
The loner
Not sure what a good example might be. There are threads that people don't respond to because they're too vague or weird.
The attention getter
There are alot of types of these thread. The world seismic event thread is an example. Or any thread that had a really catchy title, but not much in
terms of content.
The request
There's nothing like this here at ATS, but I see alot of these in homework help boards and computer sites.
hey guys i need a 10 page essay by 5:00 tonight on abortion PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
does anyone here have a serial for windoze xp?
You can see that alot of these lack punctuation and grammar problems for obvious reasons.
Hmm, out of ideas now, will come back later.