posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 06:10 PM
I put the link first just in case some of you haven't read the comments...I didn't get to listen to the tracks, but I read the lyrics. I think
it's pretty bad. He apologized and the guys that brought the story out, Zno and Dave Mays, have had a long time beef with Em. So, it may be Em
being a young dumb jilted lover--still--to use the N-word and say that all black women are after money is pretty racist.
This type of thing can never even be entertained. So, he should come out and publicly address the situation before it goes any further, because black
folk aren't too forgiving of this type of thing specially from someone they openly accepted into their culture.
It's been a hard long road for white rap this could drag it backward. Before the excuse to forgive him instantly start...I would like to say that he
hasn't asked to be forgiven and he won't be until he does.