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columbine video makes 911 event reference

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posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:27 AM
I was watchign bowling for columbine the video and I was watching it for a second adn third time to see it again. In the part where they show different reporters they metnion one of the shooters at columbine. The reporter says that he (harris)had mentioned " flying a plane into a tall building". I couldnt believe I didnt pay more attention to this the first time. If you have the dvd you can find exactly what im talkign about by goign to the scene selection and finding the scene with the fornt sign of the columbine high school on it. I am aware of the other threads on the subject of columbine but since this had not been mentioned on the website about the lies of columbine, I thought I would mention it. Im not saying that the reporter cant be trusted or that the young man (harris ) would or wouldnt have said it. But I foudn it interesting nonetheless. Maybe thsi was put in there on purpose to mess with conspiracist heads. Who knows. I welcome your input.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 09:59 AM
in their Journal the 2 kids had a huge plan for what they wanted to do, starting with shooting up and blowing up the school and ending with the grand finale of them hijacking a plane and crashing it into a building, it wasn't a 9/11 reference, it's just a startling coincidence, i remember hearing about this on the news just after columbine happened

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:59 PM
yeah me and my friend made a commerical of sorts that had that clip of the reporter, then footage of 9/11, and said "evil minds think alike"

i got suspended for that, actually

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by julianvstheworld
yeah me and my friend made a commerical of sorts that had that clip of the reporter, then footage of 9/11, and said "evil minds think alike"

i got suspended for that, actually

You know what? Finding out that you got suspended for pointing out a truth is the most disturbing part of this thread!

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by julianvstheworld
yeah me and my friend made a commerical of sorts that had that clip of the reporter, then footage of 9/11, and said "evil minds think alike"

i got suspended for that, actually

Ahhh, I hate hearing # like that. I can't STAND it when i hear about kids being suspended/expelled for expressing ideas that aren't the normal BS instructers WANT to hear.

Every time I have written a paper that has expressed a different opinion from what I knew the instructer wanted to hear (which I do on purpose) I get graded down and penalized.

It teaches kids not to think outside the box and to conform. It really pisses me off.


posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by julianvstheworld
yeah me and my friend made a commerical of sorts that had that clip of the reporter, then footage of 9/11, and said "evil minds think alike"

i got suspended for that, actually

what the hell. what were the grounds for suspension?

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 10:15 PM
ANY mention of Columbine in schools around me results in suspension, except of course if you're talking about "those bad kids that were under the influence of satan, marilyn manson, and drugs"

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Links to 30K+ pages of government documents related to the April 20, 1999 attack on Columbine High School have been posted to the internet.

I've also created a video on the documents called "The Columbine Cause".

Evan Long

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