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"There are no coincidences" - FDR

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posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 11:16 AM
On the evening of the day President Ronald Reagan was shot, would-be assassin John Hinkley Jr.'s brother Scott was supposed to have dinner with Vice President George H.W. Bush's son, Neil. In an AP article, Neil's then-wife Sharon was quoted as saying that Scott Hinkley was supposed to come to dinner that night as her friend's date. She also said that the Hinkley's had been big donors to VP Bush's campaigne. Now what are the odds that there would be a connection between the Vice President of the U.S. and the man who shot the president? In this case, I must agree with the words of President Roosevelt, in this matter, there can be no coincidence.

Just as an aside, some time not long after Hinkley was taken into custody he was transferred to the very same military facility that suspected dirty-bomber Jose Padilla is at in Goose Creek, SC. He was taken there for "de-briefing." The question is, was John Hinkley being mind-controlled? And who ordered it? I have a pretty good idea. One does not go to the Goose Creek facility for rehabilitation.

Here are some articles from Houston:

Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting
The Associated Press
Domestic News
March 31, 1981, Tuesday, PM cycle
The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign, the Houston Post reported today.

The newspaper said in a copyright story, Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons.

The newspaper said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana.

In 1978, Neil served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the vice president's oldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980.

On Monday, Neil Bush said he did not know if he had ever met 25-year-old John Hinckley.

Previous Houston [Report Links Suspect with Bushes]
March 31, 1981, Tuesday, PM cycle
N eil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush, is part of Denver's booming oil business scene so it was not unusual his path would cross that of Scott Hinckley, the older brother of the man who shot President Reagan.

The younger Bush, a ''land man'' for the Amoco Oil Co. in Denver, told the Houston Post in a copyright story published today he and Scott Hinckley were to have had dinner together tonight. The dinner party at Neil and Sharon Bush's modest one-story home in southeast Denver was canceled.

Scott Hinckley, vice president of Vanderbuilt Energy Co., the independent oil and gas exploration firm founded by his father in Texas and moved to Denver in 1974, was secluded with his parents at the home of a neighbor and not available for comment on his acquaintance with Bush.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 02:36 PM
This is very weird. If you've ever played the game Interstate '82 for PC, the ending gives a rather humorous conspiracy theory about how Reagan was shot. Not really worth buying the game for, but I just thought I'd include it.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by VanishingPoint
This is very weird. If you've ever played the game Interstate '82 for PC, the ending gives a rather humorous conspiracy theory about how Reagan was shot. Not really worth buying the game for, but I just thought I'd include it.

Can you explain? I've never heard of that. I stumbled upon the Hinkley-Bush connection several years back while doing research in mind control. Having read tons of research on Bush and his connections, I was still blown away. But it totally makes sense. AND.. it makes me feel all the better about Reagan. His name doesn't come up in hardly anything as opposed to Bush the first, whose name is all over the place where conspiracy and war profiteering are involved.

It was hard for me to see Bush I for what he truly is. I had always liked him because he was Reagan's VP and then my Commander-In-Chief in Desert Storm. To learn of his shady bizness dealings was one of those illusions that had to be shattered.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
It was hard for me to see Bush I for what he truly is. I had always liked him because he was Reagan's VP and then my Commander-In-Chief in Desert Storm. To learn of his shady bizness dealings was one of those illusions that had to be shattered.

Same here, although my term was over & I became a civilian less than a month before Desert Shield turned into Desert Storm...Just lucky, I guess...

But the Bush family had contacts with the bin Laden family long before 911 (when the most heavily guarded coast of our country suddenly had "failures in security procedures" at just the right place & just the right time...) ever happened.

Also, have you wondered how Bush got the Patriot Act pushed through Congress so soon after 911? The answer is simple...It's been laying around *waiting* for an excuse to be used since the Clinton Administration.

No, there *are* no coincidences when you're dealing with the US Government...They've had many of these atrocities *planned for* years in advance.

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 06:16 AM
Good post ECK! Really wierd connections. I totally agree with the whole 'no coincidences' thing. Politics are planned out and never have coincidences. Do you really beleive the whole mind control idea?

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by earthtone
Good post ECK! Really wierd connections. I totally agree with the whole 'no coincidences' thing. Politics are planned out and never have coincidences. Do you really beleive the whole mind control idea?

Absolutely. At the end of WW2, the government feared we were falling behind the Soviet Union's mind control program, so they brought over a bunch of Nazi scientists to run our own program. Forget about the fact that those creatures should have been tried for crimes against humanity at Nuremburg. Do a google search on MK Ultra if you're interested. That's a good place to start. I've actually read research concluding that the whole Jim Jones suicide saga (Guyana - Cult of the damned) was actually a CIA-sponsored mind control experiment gone bad. Supposedly most of the deceased followers were executed, rather than suicided by cyanide-laced kool-aid, as the official line goes. I also believe John Muhammad and Lee Malvo were being controlled. The kicker was the duck in the noose statement spoken into the cameras by Chief Moose. Nothing else can explain that one.

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