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a theory

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posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 07:33 AM
Right i have a theory that there are no real aliens, just humans who have genetically modified themselves. THe is probably hundreds mabye thousands of human colonies throughout the galaxy of which we are just one. Thats why we havent been conquered because they are us. We ourselves are most probably not true humans, just modified versions capable of living on this planet. I believe when we have reached a high enough level of technology that we will find this may be true.

What do you all think?

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 12:15 PM
that I'll have to go along with Darwinian theory, that we have evolved from the ape-like person to our present state. We have evolved so much that we are now aliens, because we are reaching beyond our world to visit different ones with our new technology-visiting the moon, and eventually perhaps mars as well. Your theory sounds good, but why haven't our modified versions come to teach us?

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 12:22 PM
That's a new / good theory Kalistenics.

I don't believe in evolution from Apes.

Yeah, I guess I could believe that humans could have genetically modified or deformed themselves to look like "aliens".

I still think that there are other beings "aliens" from other planets/ systems that have visited and are visiting/living on earth as well.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 12:32 PM
I have a theory I have been tossing around myself-

"aliens" are actually what the human race will eventually evolve into in the distant future, and UFOs are the devices that they use to travel back in time. Possibly trying to correct genetic defects somewhere along the line of evolution. I could go on and on for hours an the subject...sorry to side track your original theory. I figured I'd toss mine out while I absorb yours.

[Edited on 11-20-2003 by exdog]

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 12:42 PM
exdog.. that's another good one.

But I'm not sure that I believe that time travel is possible.. yet anyway, I'm sure that I'll be convinced other wise here on ATS..

Let's say your theory is legit.

When do you think the genetic defects started ?
40's - 50's ? I think it would have to go back to the early day, as pictures of UFO's have been found in cave drawings ...? But did humans have the know how back then to mess around with genetics ?

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
exdog.. that's another good one.

But I'm not sure that I believe that time travel is possible.. yet anyway, I'm sure that I'll be convinced other wise here on ATS..

Let's say your theory is legit.

When do you think the genetic defects started ?
40's - 50's ? I think it would have to go back to the early day, as pictures of UFO's have been found in cave drawings ...? But did humans have the know how back then to mess around with genetics ?

It's hard to say when I think the defects may have begun...probably around the time science began developing higher technology. It may be that the early (prehistoric etc.) visits were attempts at retrieving the purest DNA possible. Who knows? it could be like a chef trying out different blends of ingredients, herbs and spices to find that perfect recipe. It could even be so deep as our modern scientists working with these beings in attempt to prevent some future breakdowns? I agree, I don't believe time travel to be possible, currently, but in the very very distant future? Who knows?...the evolutionary changes may also be heavily environmentally influenced and not based from genetic defects but catastrophic atmospheric and climate related changes. Then they may be trying to modify their physical aspects to better cope with a harsh environment. Maybe humans were forced underground and over thousands of years developed into a physically weaker but more intellectually focused creatures losing much of the early human races ability to survive in extreme environments. The "Nordic" beings may be examples of successful experimentation? There are so many places this theory could go, but my basic foundation is:

UFOs = Time Machines from Our own future
Aliens = Humans

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 01:35 PM
I have also though about that exdog, but i came to the conclusion that it isnt possible, at least at our current level of understanding. But yeah in the future who knows what might be possible, but would we comtaminate our own past timeline? Who knows what could happen?

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 01:39 PM
I see your point for sure...I look at it like this-
could an early human even concieve TV or Radio? let alone the "invisible" signals that they receive/transmit?

but when you look at the vastness of space...there's no denying there is "someone" else out there...

I am sure glad I found this site...keeps my work day boredom from getting to me

I can't spell

[Edited on 11-20-2003 by exdog]

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by exdog
I have a theory I have been tossing around myself-

"aliens" are actually what the human race will eventually evolve into in the distant future, and UFOs are the devices that they use to travel back in time. Possibly trying to correct genetic defects somewhere along the line of evolution. I could go on and on for hours an the subject...sorry to side track your original theory. I figured I'd toss mine out while I absorb yours.

[Edited on 11-20-2003 by exdog]

That is quite a commen though and one which perhaps should be considered. My only problem with that is, can you really see our race (human race) surviving another 50 years? Never mind 50,000!

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 04:35 PM
I have thought about this and find it an unlikely scenario. Evolution occurs so we can adapt to our enviornment, if humans were all the same throughout the universe that means that there are several "earths" that are exactly like ours.

Your silly not to believe in evolution, it occurs all around us all the time, otherwise we'd still be single celled organisms.

Back to your little theory, sure all the creatures can be called "human" though only through genetics as all of our physical appearances would be adapted to our environment. Basically, what I am saying is that we would have better evolved from the ape rather than humans to better ensure our survival.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by MrJingles
I have thought about this and find it an unlikely scenario. Evolution occurs so we can adapt to our enviornment, if humans were all the same throughout the universe that means that there are several "earths" that are exactly like ours.

Your silly not to believe in evolution, it occurs all around us all the time, otherwise we'd still be single celled organisms.

Back to your little theory, sure all the creatures can be called "human" though only through genetics as all of our physical appearances would be adapted to our environment. Basically, what I am saying is that we would have better evolved from the ape rather than humans to better ensure our survival.

If you read what i said you would understand the thoughts behind this rather than just bearly realising them read my first post : "We ourselves are most probably not true humans, just modified versions capable of living on this planet"

Therefore i do not believe humans exist on earthalikes although im sure there are many planets like ours in the galaxy. I also never said all humans throughout the galaxy are alike, i said they are all modified to live on the planet which they find themselves on.
Secondly i do believe in evolution in fact its to do with my job!

I also do not appreciate you dissparaging attitude towards my post, in future please read and understand what people are posting before you reply.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Kalistenics
Right i have a theory that there are no real aliens, just humans who have genetically modified themselves. THe is probably hundreds mabye thousands of human colonies throughout the galaxy of which we are just one. Thats why we havent been conquered because they are us. We ourselves are most probably not true humans, just modified versions capable of living on this planet. I believe when we have reached a high enough level of technology that we will find this may be true.

What do you all think?

If they are us that means we are them..this means we are in two places at once, this means diff parralel universes are true..this means my mother is also somewhere else, damnn i have to find her then....before she gets lost..

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by jozuph

Originally posted by Kalistenics
Right i have a theory that there are no real aliens, just humans who have genetically modified themselves. THe is probably hundreds mabye thousands of human colonies throughout the galaxy of which we are just one. Thats why we havent been conquered because they are us. We ourselves are most probably not true humans, just modified versions capable of living on this planet. I believe when we have reached a high enough level of technology that we will find this may be true.

What do you all think?

If they are us that means we are them..this means we are in two places at once, this means diff parralel universes are true..this means my mother is also somewhere else, damnn i have to find her then....before she gets lost..

Um not at all, it just means we are all part of the same genus of species, i dont mean that we all exist somewhere else at the same time.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 05:55 PM
dont you just love quotes such as " your silly if you dont believe in evolution" well let the evolutionist prove life just spontainously appeared, diversed in the same same conditions all over the planet at the time. developed into hundreds of thousands of differnet creatures at a whim and for the most recent monkeys turned into people. the fact is they cannot, all they can do is theorise and knock everybody who dosent believe them. just try reading the bible a bit harder is what i say. Man created in gods image in genesis (so god looks like us then ), alien landings in Ezekiel etc etc lots to ponder on. just a thought

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Kalistenics

Originally posted by jozuph

Originally posted by Kalistenics
Right i have a theory that there are no real aliens, just humans who have genetically modified themselves. THe is probably hundreds mabye thousands of human colonies throughout the galaxy of which we are just one. Thats why we havent been conquered because they are us. We ourselves are most probably not true humans, just modified versions capable of living on this planet. I believe when we have reached a high enough level of technology that we will find this may be true.

What do you all think?

If they are us that means we are them..this means we are in two places at once, this means diff parralel universes are true..this means my mother is also somewhere else, damnn i have to find her then....before she gets lost..

Um not at all, it just means we are all part of the same genus of species, i dont mean that we all exist somewhere else at the same time.

euhh, u said Thats why we havent been conquered because they are us....u watch the news occasionaly ?
we did and do conquer[ed] us...thats why i though u mean us in the sence that we are us...cause we aint gonna conquered ourselfz :]]]

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Ozzie
dont you just love quotes such as " your silly if you dont believe in evolution" well let the evolutionist prove life just spontainously appeared, diversed in the same same conditions all over the planet at the time. developed into hundreds of thousands of differnet creatures at a whim and for the most recent monkeys turned into people. the fact is they cannot, all they can do is theorise and knock everybody who dosent believe them. just try reading the bible a bit harder is what i say. Man created in gods image in genesis (so god looks like us then ), alien landings in Ezekiel etc etc lots to ponder on. just a thought

oz i dont see your point here, evolutionist or not, spontainously appeared life ? evolved u mean right ? thats not spontanious :]]] plz leave god out for know..or, do aliens also believe in god ? i do like the quote though...

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 06:46 PM
how can something evolve from nothing... evolutionist would have you believe that by some extraordinary quirk of nature( which i add, cannot be reproduced in a lab) radiation, enough time, right ingredients coincidence and accident, suddenly there was life. you say evolution, but there must of been a fraction of a second on this earth where there wasnt a life and suddenly there was. now I dont believe the God built the earth in a week theory either. so logic dictates, if neither are true or at least plausible there must be another reason. thats what Im trying to find out...

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Ozzie
how can something evolve from nothing... evolutionist would have you believe that by some extraordinary quirk of nature( which i add, cannot be reproduced in a lab) radiation, enough time, right ingredients coincidence and accident, suddenly there was life. you say evolution, but there must of been a fraction of a second on this earth where there wasnt a life and suddenly there was. now I dont believe the God built the earth in a week theory either. so logic dictates, if neither are true or at least plausible there must be another reason. thats what Im trying to find out...

maybe, i say maybe in evolutionaity therms it was suddenly but in real time it took for ever...ndeed there was a time without life but then it appearred, not suddenly though...sounds better then the apple doesnt it ?

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Kalistenics
Right i have a theory that there are no real aliens, just humans who have genetically modified themselves. THe is probably hundreds mabye thousands of human colonies throughout the galaxy of which we are just one. Thats why we havent been conquered because they are us. We ourselves are most probably not true humans, just modified versions capable of living on this planet. I believe when we have reached a high enough level of technology that we will find this may be true.

What do you all think?

Nice theory, i tend to lean against that version of how we arrived at where we are right now as well. I've thought a lot on one thing in particular which is, we had no Conscience in the Garden of Eden Therefore how was it that Adam and Eve Sinned having no conscience? It wasn't until 'After they ate' from the tree of good and evil that they 'Suddenly had one'. Any comments on that?

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 08:33 PM
Sorry I just can't buy into the idea that we are the only intelligient form life can take in the universe.

This reminds me of the type of egotistical thinking that drove mankind early on in the idea that earth was the center of the universe.

Life most certainly comes in all forms and would thrive differently in different environments, and there are many environments out there in the universe that are not even similar to earth that may have life on it that we cannot even concieve of.

We are an insignificant speck or dust on the lawn of the universe. I would never presume to think that all intelligient life is human or even related.
That is pure arrogance.

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