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Trivial aspects of Alien life

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posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 09:08 AM
It's the little things about an alien culture which intrigue me. For example, do they listen to music? What does their music sound like? Do they play sports? Worship in temples? It's all fine and dandy to speculate as to why they are visiting us here...but i'd really like to know more about their day to day existance. I'm sure they have lives outside of abducting humans and mutilating cows. What do they do for fun on a Friday night? Etc. etc. One can only wonder.......

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 09:13 AM
Interesting !!! Great thoughts.

I like to think that they do have a "social life".
Its not all work ( take over the earth ) and no play

I'll bet that they listen to the Cantina Band, you know from star wars.... j/k.

seriously, I'd like to hear some other's thoughts on this...
hurry !

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 09:26 AM
There was some kind of harp in heavens I remember, an instrument which we don't have on earth... don't know what religion that was again... thought the bible itself... anybody who knows for sure?

Ps that there was some kind of musical instrument in heavens according to those texts (with 6 strings) i am sure

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 09:27 AM
The do worship the God which created them according to the Egyptians and the dogontribe (Gods created Gods which created us).

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 09:28 AM
Next to this remember that we are created to their equals... so we might be doing about the same things as they are doing... only they have more advanced equipment to do it...

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 10:35 AM
You asked what kind of music they listen to? Remember that not every animal/human/fish can listen to the same frequencies. That's the reason we can't "hear" our computers running, or doctors using the Ultrasound to see a developing fetus because the Ultrasound is sound waves they are just to high a frequency to hear. With respect to what kind of music they are listening too, we might not hear at all. I know it's kind of trivial but that's my two cents.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 12:04 PM
I wonder if aliens can feel love and other emotions ?

In the a lot of alien topics and discussions, people will often say, "they looked like they had no emotions".
you know what I mean.

I just wonder if they do feel.. Love, Pain etc... ?

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 12:51 PM
Would aliens have chefs and different types of food? Is there an Emeril of the sky?

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by ElevatedoneI just wonder if they do feel.. Love, Pain etc... ?

I think this was mentioned in one of the ATS articles... I'll try to find it...

Originally posted by Dreamstone
Would aliens have chefs and different types of food? Is there an Emeril of the sky?

And do they have taste? That's the question that should be asked. Well, I don't think so. Mutilated cow blood can't be tasty.... So why create quisine?

[Edited on 19-11-2003 by Johnny]

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 02:16 PM
Grays are pretty much emotionless by our standards and I highly doubt they think the way we do.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 03:02 PM
According to the guys from Montauk, the grays are very emotionless, they think we're a stupid sub culture race with the intellect of a snail, however, they have tried giving us bits of information so they can't be all that bad. They're also 'controlled' by the Reptillians in certain areas of our galaxy however a few have most likely escaped. I believe there are good as well as evil in all of Gods created reality. The Grays can walk thru walls, but not metal/steel and they require sunlight in order to survive. I dont know about food however its highly probable that they injest their nutrients thru the pours in their skin. Personally i would love to meet a few of them, they're interesting, strange looking but i think for most of us anything out of the ordinary is a shock to the mind when observed for the first time. The angels in heaven are very odd, such as the Pillars that sing glory x3 is God almighty who is, and was, and is to come. They have eyes all round them. As for the musical end of things, Satan/Lucifer was a walking Orchestra. He was a created Musical Being! I think thats very cool

[Edited on 19-11-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 03:57 PM

The alien souls and our own souls are the same species. They are our brothers and sisters and only look different because they have been placed into different shells to perform different tasks in the multidimensional system.

The aliens have revealed their souls to me at times and they are eternal youths of unlimited joy and life.

It's interesting that we fear death etc, when in truth there is no death in us. Death is the illusion created by ignorance and consciousness manipulation in the material realm. So long as we identify with the exterior things like the temporary body of ourselves or the aliens we will experience various types of perplexity.

The eternal youthful souls of God is what we all are.

One man was out in his field when a spaceship landed and out came some aliens. They said they wanted to take him for a ride in the ship and he asked if his wife could come along also. They agreed and he went off to find her. From a distance he crouched behind a bush and watched the aliens. They all started picking up heavy stones as if they were very light, and playing around like children. Bouncing up and down in our light atmosphere. So they became like little children when they thought no one was watching.

The stern authoritative alien demeanor is just part of the show which keeps humans in illusion and controlled

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 04:25 PM
Looking for a good time?

Hop on the next trans-space flight to EARTH!

Yes EARTH, women are easy, beer is cheap, and the fun never ends! Watch the comedian George Bush on TV! Bring the kids along too and spread some conspiracy!

Earth, its a win win situation.

Typical pesky alien advertisements.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 04:40 PM
I have often wondered this. I started daydreaming while driving down the street (NOT A GOOD THING

Anyways, I started to think about alien cultures, and thought a couple things

"What is their "school" like if they have one?"
"Do they watch anything like "TV" or play "video games" of some sort?"

Who thread


posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 04:56 PM
Its a very good question, though almost impossible to answer.

I can guess that they have a very efficiant education system or very long lives to spend being educated.
About the other stuff, who knows

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