posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 05:26 PM
Jozuph - forgive me
I have know many Dutch people - most of who were always pro their monarchy - in the belief that it was something the Nazi invasion was never able to
take away from them. I think in parts thats where our pride in our monarchy comes from - an uninterupted line going back to define what we are as a
nation. And i would guess thats yours actually costs a lot less than ours !.
As for talking about base stuff like you did I prefer not to go there - Im of a school of thought that believes that to resort to profanity actually
debases the point of the arguement.
You are entitled to your opinion I know - but from my side of the water - many men went to their deaths defending the very freedom that Holland
represents - more freedoms than many other parts of this glorious mess they call the EU, and actually it is our monarchys that will probably be the
defining split in the EU as it claws more centralised powers.