posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 02:02 PM
I've been having a strange dream for years now, and as far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with my real life. But I am no dream expert, so I'll
post it here to see if somebody has any idea what this could mean, So here it is, my dream:
I stand in my room, or infront of the building where I live, scared and desperate. I have this thought in my head that somebody took my child away, a
litle baby. I am totaly panicking and thinking that I dont know who the father is, which is strange. I want to go look for the baby but I dont know
where. I dont know who took him/her, and that terrifies me. Sometimes there is a woman in my dream, I dont know who she is, who tries to comfort me,
but I dont trust her. I just want to find my baby and those who took the baby away from me.
Usualy I wake up crying or screaming and I cant sleep after that.
A bit about myself: I am 25, female, not married, dont have kids, never had an abortion. I really dont know why I keep dreaming about a baby...