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Muslim Holiday Stamp

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posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 10:43 AM
I received this in my e-mail this morning and was curious to some of your thoughts on this.


REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm Flight 103!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military barracks in Saudi Arabia!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001!

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative first class holiday postage stamp.

REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp when purchasing your stamps at the post office. To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.

(end of e-mail)

After a search on this stamp, I found the following commentary:

The assertion that buying this stamp is "a slap in the face" to victims of terrorism is arguable, to say the least. While the specific allegations are factually accurate � all the terrorist acts listed in the email have been attributed to avowed Muslims � it's rather a large leap from there to blaming all Muslims and the Islamic faith in general for those atrocities. There are pundits, granted, who claim that violence and terrorism are endemic to Islam (notably conservative Christians such as Jerry Falwell and Paul M. Weyrich), but theirs is a minority view staunchly rejected by experts in comparative religion, not to mention the U.S. government and President George W. Bush himself. "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," Bush has stated publicly. "That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace."

So what is your opinion??

[Edited on 18-11-2003 by ProudAmerican]

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 10:45 AM
There are nice muslims too, you know.
I wonder what the text says?

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 10:51 AM
remember kkk
remember vietnam
remember.. ah # it would be too long

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ProudAmerican

... blah, blah, blah....

So what is your opinion??

[Edited on 18-11-2003 by ProudAmerican]

My opinion? That is the lowest, worst, most idiotic piece of #ty crapy propaganda ever.... thats what I think about it.

Good that you posted it, should serve as an example of utter bull#

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Zzub
There are nice muslims too, you know.
I wonder what the text says?

Yes I'm sure there are, I just wanted to hear some opinions on this issue. Remember it was an e-mail I received, those aren't my opinions. I am also curious what the text reads, anyone able to read it??

I wonder how new the stamp is, the pic shows 34cents and it's now up to 37.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 10:59 AM
this is a nice stamp

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 11:01 AM
>>I just wanted to hear some opinions on this issue.

Indeed, sorry. I imagine that in the meeting where it was decided upon, that it was meant to be a gesture of peace, bringing peoples together through the use of stamps.

Outside the boardroom meeting, it may be seen as being slightly insulting to those who have anti-muslim feelings.

It's up to the populous to decide what they do with thier feelings about this.

Personally, I don't use stamps at all.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 11:04 AM
Wow, here's another one.

Kalki has it right.. remember KKK, remember Vietnam, the list will be too long.

Seeing how Muslims weren't even behind the 9-11 attacks I don't know how you can add it to a 'stamp'

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 12:02 PM
Yeah, I remember seeing this before...

America is a melting pot...we have many muslim citizens. If we're going to have stamps for holidays, from a government entity, I see no reason we shouldn't have them for the various holidays celebrated here...

Terror attacks were committed by terrorists, not all of Islam. There is no reason to punish the faithful of an entire religion, for a few madmen's actions.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 12:05 PM
Everyone stare at the kitty and calm down now.

Yes there are good muslims, and there are bad ones too, same with any culture, a stemp commemorating Eid isn't a bad idea, it shows that the US is open to other cultures rather than shouting at them and lambasting them.

There are good eggs, and there are bad eggs, just because there are bad eggs are you going to stop eating eggs?

[Edited on 18-11-2003 by Nerdling]

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 12:06 PM
Accidental post.

[Edited on 18-11-2003 by Nerdling]

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 07:19 PM
It isn't a slap in the face if you believe in Islam, it is if you simply jumped on the terrorist bandwagon for no particular reason, and buy that stamp for the same particular no reason.

If you think you have valid reason to choose this side, well let it be.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 07:33 PM
Proud American?
Please, as if your Christians have not killed in the millions yourselves.
Thier is nothing wrong with this Stamp.
Yes we do know that a certain sect if Islam carried out some Acts that killed many innocents, but this post is just utter ignorance on your behalf.
Thier are good muslims in this world too, just like thier are evil christians.
And what of the 2000 plus innocent children Bush killed in Saudi Arabia?
And of course those darned WMD'S?

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Proud American?
Please, as if your Christians have not killed in the millions yourselves.
Thier is nothing wrong with this Stamp.
Yes we do know that a certain sect if Islam carried out some Acts that killed many innocents, but this post is just utter ignorance on your behalf.
Thier are good muslims in this world too, just like thier are evil christians.
And what of the 2000 plus innocent children Bush killed in Saudi Arabia?
And of course those darned WMD'S?

Nothing wrong with the stamp, you must be joking i wouldnt mail my letter with an Arab stamp on for fear of the U.S /U.K govt retracing the stamp to where i live.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Proud American?
Please, as if your Christians have not killed in the millions yourselves.

....., but this post is just utter ignorance on your behalf.

Utter ignorance on my behalf? My Christians?

I think that you missed part of my post. This was just an e-mail I received and was looking for other members thoughts, these were not my opinions whatsoever. It happens.

[Edited on 19-11-2003 by ProudAmerican]

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 08:18 PM
Yeah bad
But I dont find anything wrong with the stamp.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 08:21 PM

Send this to the person who sent that e-mail to you...

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 08:36 PM
Thanks for the link Bandit, I'll surely pass it on. I didn't even realize that this stamp was released last year, this was the first I've heard of it.

Actually I agree with the commentary that I included with my first post, I wonder if anyone read that. Basically saying that you cant hold an entire group of people responsible for the actions of a few.

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