posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 01:20 AM
I dont know if you guys have heard much about net neutrality. I know i saw a bunch of commercials on TV aired by "The Cable and Telecom Industry"
which spout a bunch of BS about how net neutrality means you pay more. What a bunch of mumbo jumbo!!
Net neutrality is what the internet was founded on. Net neutrality has been the way ever since the inception of the internet!!
Cable and Telecom want to put toll booths on the internet! Every time you click a link, somebody has to pay to send the information. Of course,
telecom and cable make a lot of money, however you're favorite internet sites will cease to exist...
Protect Net Neutrality!! Dont let cable and telecom turn the internet into a totalitarian gestapo controlled mass propaganda machine just like Cable
Television News.
The internet is the last saving grace of humanity, that last resort you can turn to to research information for yourself when you know the Cable
Television News people are lying to you...
SAVE THE INTERNET!! Watch this short video to learn how!