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whats the best system out there

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posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 06:12 PM
i think its ps3 its an opinion dont flame just post what you think

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 06:19 PM
what makes a system the best? is it the games available? the graphics? the gameplay? the online content? price? well if its any of those ,the ps3 is not the best system.

the best system is easily the wii60. if i had to choose between a wii or and xbox360 , id go with the wii . i have a 6 year old so its more fun for us, and i cant live without some of the games.

just curious , why do u think the ps3 is the best system?

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 01:59 AM
It all depends on what your looking for in a console.

The Wii offers a new way to play games, where you can swing your hand instead of hitting buttons. But is weak is the graphics area, the graphics are on par with the first xbox. But it has that lowest price of all the new consoles.

The Xbox 360 has good graphics, and connects to your pc, so you can stream you music and videos from your pc to your you can have it on a bigger screen. The 360 also has the best online capabilities...where you can play a game against someone who lives thousands of miles away from you, to downloading game demos, arcade games, game trailers, tv shows, movies, & more.

The PS3 has some good graphics as well, and if your a movie buff with a HDTV you can play blu-ray movies on it right out that box. Its the most expensive out of the bunch, and doesn't have many games out yet, so unless you have a need for a blu-ray player...its probably not the one for you.

I own a 360.

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 02:22 AM
Wait a year and see who's winning in console sales. Why? Because developers will devote the most time and money to the console which has the largest sales potential.

Right now 360 has the edge with good graphics, superb online features, a rapidly growing library and a bunch of "system sellers" are on the horizon.

The the race of PS3 vs. Wii, well here is how she is looking right now...

The Wii and 360 look like the strongest in my opinion. PS3 has lost a lot of exclusives over the past year or two. The only ones that come to mind are the Grand Turismo and Final Fantasy games. MGS, almost forgot that one.

Here are some trailers for some 360 games coming out.

Crackdown Vid 1


LOTR:The White Council Screens

Fable 2

Halo Wars

Halo 3 Vid 1

Halo 3 Vid 2

Lost Odyssey

The Precursors(This looks like a very interesting game! A Russian Import to boot! SHRINKRAY FTW!!!

Mass Effect


More Bioshock

Assasins Creed

[edit on 24-12-2006 by sardion2000]

[edit on 24-12-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 03:40 AM
yeah, I'm looking forward to Halo 3 and Halo Wars for sure...and of course GTA4.

and about those numbers...It seems every site throws around there own numbers...cause just 3 days ago these were the numbers posted up by M-Create.

Worldwide installment base for the next-gen consoles:
Xbox 360: 8,874,211
PS3: 503,254
Wii: 1,877,329

These numbers are more believeable.

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 04:04 AM
All statistics have their fudge factors. The ratios seem to be pretty much the same across most sites I visit. They tell the same story and that is... PS3 is faltering, even on EBay, I could have picked up a PS3 for 600 bucks USD had I bid. The Wii on the other hand seemed to range in price from just above sticker to upwards to 800 dollars(those ones had guaranteed overnight shipping and such) and more.

I personally think the numbers look more like this at this moment.
360: 7.5-7.8 mil
Wii: 2-2.2 mil
PS3: 0.8-1.0 mil

Everything I hear leads me to believe that the Wii to PS3 ratio will turn out to be 2 to 1 at year end.

Won't know the exact numbers until January.

Here is the november sales in North America At the bottom of the page are the stats.

Console Month Total
DS 1,037,500 8,497,000
PS2 783,500 41,871,000
GBA 759,500 39,158,500
X360 567,500 3,775,500
Wii 547,500 547,500
PSP 465,500 6,460,500
PS3 226,000 226,000
GC 82,500 12,318,000
XB 5,000 15,887,500
Total 4,474,500

[edit on 24-12-2006 by sardion2000]

[edit on 24-12-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago
It all depends on what your looking for in a console.

The Wii offers a new way to play games, where you can swing your hand instead of hitting buttons. But is weak is the graphics area, the graphics are on par with the first xbox. But it has that lowest price of all the new consoles.

The Xbox 360 has good graphics, and connects to your pc, so you can stream you music and videos from your pc to your you can have it on a bigger screen. The 360 also has the best online capabilities...where you can play a game against someone who lives thousands of miles away from you, to downloading game demos, arcade games, game trailers, tv shows, movies, & more.

The PS3 has some good graphics as well, and if your a movie buff with a HDTV you can play blu-ray movies on it right out that box. Its the most expensive out of the bunch, and doesn't have many games out yet, so unless you have a need for a blu-ray player...its probably not the one for you.

I own a 360.

well said murcielago. im glad to see you arent hating on the wii anymore. all 3 systems offer alot of fun, it really all depends on what games u like most. i do see alot of people owning either a ps3/xbox360 for the high end graphics, along with their wii. that is why the wii has a chance to sell the most. i havea wii and im gettin a 360 in the spring, so ill be a double console owner .

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 04:23 PM
I'm getting a Wii first but i will eventually get a 360, the Wii is the perfect system for a second console, cheap and fun.

I saw a 360 game on an advert the other day and the rrp was £49.99.
Never in englan have I ever seen a game for 50 quid and I think it's outrageous, hopefully in time the prices come down, even though it has been out a while now.
Just for the record, it could have possibly been gears of war that was £50 but I cant be too sure...

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 10:55 PM
The xbox 360 too me looks like the best to me. It has a pretty decent libary of games and has a whole lot of good ones on the way. The Wii has potential also and will probably become the second console of alot of people. I do not see the PS3 being as great as its predecessor.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 04:39 PM
It all depends on what you want out of a system. For me the xbox 360 is the one for me, as it combines all the features in one console. Movies either through your DVD collection or the online marketplace downloads, music streamed through your PC and above all GAMES. The games are now coming into their own. Oblivion is deservedly the RPG of the year and Gears of War just blows away every FPS shooter ever made.

You cant really go wrong with an Xbox 360.

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