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if the whole conspiracy were really true......

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posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by bob2000
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!

Im sure you wouldnt dare post about claims of the existence of supernatural powers without some scientific evidence to back it up right.

just take a look at the history of mankind on this planet. name a few of the more noticed ones. tell me there isnt evidence in history. if you cant find the extraordinary events to back up evidence that powers that are not of this world were involved and is involved since the start of it all then you are missing out.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 8/1/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
^Dude you're severely distorting what I have said, and made a lot of assumptions about me.

If you can't see how much media effects how society thinks, and then acts on those thoughts, then you need to get out more.

Proximity? How far does the average person sit away from their TV set?

damn, I guess you dont even understand the how the logic extends from the experiment to TV. Your taking it literally. The media isnt "far away" becuase the TV set sits far away from people. THe media is "far away" becuase:

1. THe people on TV arent people actually in the room with you.

2. THey only talk to you, they cant watch you or anything, or listen to you, not like someone in the room can watch you, interact with you and make sure your doing what you are told.

This all has to do with a kind of "psychological proximity". For example, its easier to tell a mother over the phone that her son died than it is to tell her in person. what the difference? Proximity. the same difference betweeen a TV set versus someoene in the same room as you. When your saying it over the phone, you feel "safe", you feel "distant". proximity. same thing with TV. again, dont take the word "proximity" literally. The experiment implied proximity as how "psychologically close" the scientist and subject where. Obviosuyl when the scientist is away and distracted, his infleunce was weaker. But he could just as easily been standing side by side with the subject and been in a heated argument with another scientist while the subject sits their deciding if he should follow orders. THe infleunce on subject would be less. dont take it literally, although physical distance was one of many variables within the "proximity" variable in the experiment.

Besides, saying TV=authoritive figure is just another bad example you use. THe TV in no way the same as a military officer telling you to do something. THe TV isnt even giving you orders and then watching to see if you do it like a real person in the same room as you. Its just not the same. Your seeing some kind of connection between the two when there really isnt. THe TV is autheoriative in a whole different way.

Please stop posting bad examples. You have a habit of doing this.

[edit on 10-1-2007 by bob2000]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Funkydung
just take a look at the history of mankind on this planet. name a few of the more noticed ones. tell me there isnt evidence in history. if you cant find the extraordinary events to back up evidence that powers that are not of this world were involved and is involved since the start of it all then you are missing out.

So this is your scientific evidence eh? wow, that is compelling!!!!

Serisously though, looking at human history in no way can be considered scientific evidence for supernatural abilities.

Just because an event is extraordianry doesnt mean that superpowers created it. Magicians like Chris Angel perform magic tricks that just seem physically impossible, but we all know its just an illusion, even though we cant explain how he does it. His stuff in no way is considered scientific evidence for supernature abilities, neither should some seemingly unexplainable events in human history.

You failed! You failed to provide the sicentific evidence my friend. I already know why you failed to do this....

....its becuase you have none.

P.S. heres a tip on what scientific evidence is: try showing some physics, some mathematics. Pointing at some "unexplained event" is not evidence. All it is is UNEXPLAINED. Something can be unexplainable and not be supernatural.

sorry, try again.

[edit on 10-1-2007 by bob2000]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by bob2000

So this is your scientific evidence eh? wow, that is compelling!!!!

Serisously though, looking at human history in no way can be considered scientific evidence for supernatural abilities.

can you tell me what you know about babylon?

Just because an event is extraordianry doesnt mean that superpowers created it. Magicians like Chris Angel perform magic tricks that just seem physically impossible, but we all know its just an illusion, even though we cant explain how he does it. His stuff in no way is considered scientific evidence for supernature abilities, neither should some seemingly unexplainable events in human history.

can you prove to me that his illusions arent in some way supernatural?

You failed! You failed to provide the sicentific evidence my friend. I already know why you failed to do this....

....its becuase you have none.

P.S. heres a tip on what scientific evidence is: try showing some physics, some mathematics. Pointing at some "unexplained event" is not evidence. All it is is UNEXPLAINED. Something can be unexplainable and not be supernatural.

sorry, try again.

do you know what theomatics is? this is a good place to start if you are truely looking to try and prove to yourself that there is something going on that is not the making of mankind. hope this helps.

Mathematically and scientifically, theomatics is a much more provable phenomenon. If both the secular and Christian worlds had any true comprehension of this discovery or its implications, it would change forever the entire scope of science and religion for the remainder of this earth's history.

The Old and New testaments as we know them were originally given to us in Hebrew and Greek. In theomatics we discover how historically, "God" assigned each letter and in turn each word of the Bible with a number or theomatic value. Everything in the Bible was composed and written mathematically. (The next category on the home page ~ The Numerical Structure of the Bible ~ will explain more fully how Theomatics works.)

suppose you are asked to construct a genealogy of real people, but there are certain constraints. the number of words in this genealogy must:

beenly divisible by seven (with no remainders)
the number of letters must be divisible by seven
the number of vowels and consonants must be divisible by seven
the number of words that begin with a vowel must be divisible by seven
the number of words that begin with a consonant must be divisible by seven
the number of words that occur more than once, must be divisible by seven
the number of words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by seven
the number of words that occur only in one form must be divisible by seven
the number of names in the genealogy must be divisible by seven
the number of male names must be divisible by seven
and the number of generations in the genealogy must be divisible by seven
would it not be next to impossible to draw up such a genealogy? yet this describes exactly the genealogy of the messiah as given in the gospel of matthew 1 :2-17.

a hidden code encrypted in the hebrew lettering of the pentateuch, which is the name for the first five books of the old testament.

these are written originally in hebrew. if you take the first hebrew letter in genesis, skip 49 and take the next letter, and repeat the skip sequence, then every four letters spells torh (the Hebrew word pronounced 'torah', meaning 'the law of god').

this holds all the way through the first two books of the bible, genesis and exodus. when you get to the middle book of the five, leviticus, it stops. however, when you do the same skip sequence for deuteronomy and the book of numbers, it spells hrot, which is torh backwards.

go back now to the middle book of the five, leviticus, use the skip sequence again this time skipping every SEVEN letters, and it spells YHWH (pronounced YAWEH). which is the hebrew name for god!

so we have every 49 letters in genesis and exodus spelling 'the law of god' and pointing to leviticus, and every 49 letters of deuteronomy and numbers spelling 'the law of god' backwards and pointing to leviticus. every seven letters in this book spells YAWH; god himself.

Genesis Leviticus Deuterony
Torh->Torh->Torh-> YAWH

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:09 PM
Bob. You're the second or the third on this day, who is taking up similar question and opening similar topics. And as I see, you're also a Newbie here.

So, there are two possibilities:

1 - You're some sort of Fed Agent, sitting in his nice office back at D.C. and doing what the Boss says. In this case I need to tell you that you can't convince the people here about the Government, their acts, who is good, who is bad, or Israel is great, or the Bush Admin have no connection to 911, etc, etc... People's eyes are opening. They have enough about all the fabricated lies.

2- If you're just simple ordinary guy... well. Open your eyes and let's face the truth. Try to accept the unacceptable, because nothing and no one is what they first appear to be. It's better if you get to use to it.

But if #1 true, I believe we will never going to learn it, go to your boss and tell him, that you've faced with resistance and mention this in his White House, AIPAC or other report.

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