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excellent footage

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posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:12 PM

any comments???

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:24 PM

Not exactly what I would call Earth shattering evidence. The object does not appear to move very smoothly, in fact it seems rather jerky in it's movements. But the camera operator was apparently no pro, either. So that may account for at least some of the apparent movement. It also appears to be two separate segments, spliced together. Notice the different lighting, and contrast in the second half? The one with the closeup image?

I would say it's the old spaceship on a string, gag.

But as I have not seen this particular footage before, and I am not a video analyst, can not be certain that my conclusions are correct.

I'm going to do some digging on that site, for more info.

[edit on 12/19/2006 by Mechanic 32]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:27 PM
No No No, This is excellent footage

Bulgarian Ufo

any comments?

[edit on 19-12-2006 by shixta]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:32 PM
Ah, George Adamski's stuff.

Look on the third video down on the above page. About halfway through a straight-edged object comes into frame on the left. As it moves right, the "craft" moves right. It stops, and the "craft" stops. It moves off to the left, and the "craft" immediately follows. Pretty obviously a suspension system of some sort.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by shixta
Bulgarian Ufo

I think I have seen that one before though. At first glance, it looks like a mylar balloon. But then it just dashes off to the right. Hmmm....

Actually, I like this one better than the OP's video.

This one, truly inexplainable. By me, at least.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:14 AM
hahahaha, the first video presented on this thread is obviously fake, especially when the frame changes to what looks like a closeup on the craft, if it was a real moving 3d object, u'd see it change shape slightly because of its movement. but this doesnt change at all. also its supposted to b what, 10-20 metres away? well for about a second it hovers infront of a branch of a tree that looks no more than 7 metres away lol the second video from bulgaria looks pretty convincing, i've seen other ufo videos like that where the craft zips off in exactly the same way.... its quite a common video, heres the link

the first movement this craft makes looks the same as the other video, but my doughts are its second movement ryt pat the helicopter, but still i think these to videos are related sumhow


posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 08:07 AM
Hi there dOmeshoT, looks like Adamski's footage, as suggested above. He claims that he had taken the film in to be processed and when it came back (the first sequence) the bottom haze was no longer there and the craft's extend/retract continuously of one leg was cut out.

Not been able to find much on the Adamski experiences other than a really good color sequence of two craft and fuller versions of the link you've provided but same thing -- no in/out leg ext or noticeable haze. Great you found this though. His two or three books I have not been able to locate at all.


posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 10:11 AM
thank you for replying in my thread, Im kind of new to this but its a good experience. Well Im not suprised I got mixed reviews here lol but thanks for the feedback i beleive everyones opinion should be heard.

I can share other footage with you if you havent yet seen them right here:

I hope this footage will let you know that it doesn't matter how many videos we have out there, it doesnt matter many how many pictures there are. It matters that it happend and it happen for a reason. Im not here to spread any beliefs or anything against your will but Im here to share my information and to be kind and show love.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by shixta
No No No, This is excellent footage

Bulgarian Ufo

any comments?

[edit on 19-12-2006 by shixta]

Only UFO fakers are so worried about keeping another object in the frame, such as the building in the clip you posted. If you "happen" to have your camera, and you see a UFO right in front of you, I'm sorry, do you really think you would be calm, not freaking out, not yelling at EVERYONE to come and see, and zooming in as close as you can not even thinking about your surroundings?

Take a look at how we humans video tape things, such as car race crashes, airshow crashes, etc. Study that, then you will easily notice how fake most of these "UFO" videos are.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 05:33 PM
you cant compare how an individual is video taping something to wether or not the actual footage is fake or not. Everybody is different, some people freak out, and others stay relaxed. that was a interesting point but NOT legit.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 04:21 PM

A continuation on a theme.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 06:05 PM
'Cause that one has been endlessly proven to be be a Sci-Fi channel ad for its website "Sci-Fi Happens".

More wheat, less chaff, please!

[edit on 12/22/2006 by eaglewingz]

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