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Steve Jones quits ST911

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posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 09:24 PM
It appears the ST911 crew is falling apart.
Apparently James Fetzer is now teaming up with the likes of Morgan Reynolds in claiming 'ray beams' brought down towers 1,2 and 7.
Jones Quits
What will become of Steven Jones?
Is Fetzer loosing it?
Does Morgan Reynolds hold the truth?
Is this just about as bizarre a twist the 'truth movement' could make, or what?

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
It appears the ST911 crew is falling apart.

Hmmm... This is an interesting developement.

Makes one wonder, if they had been "gotten to"....

I.e., Spread a little dis-info, etc., etc...

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 12:38 AM
Well this screws the truth movement.

Kinda sucks for people like me who make a site to try and find the truth about such things. Altho A member already put his joy about the crap theory of lazers at WTC already. I am glad Jones bailed, I knew Fetzer was a moron to begin with.

When he started talking lazers, I knew for fact he was a moron..

Anyway to all the people in it for the truth, this is a small setback, To the official theory people, don't hold your breath just yet, the truth movement by no means is represented by those clowns at st911.

And yes I know I spelt lazer wrong, its spelled laser, but lazer looks cooler..

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 03:29 AM
classic cointelpro.

this is the problem of 'banding' in the NWO. only an anarchist 'movement' can defeat the borgishness of the NWO. that is why i don't get too 'close' to other 'truthers'. the truth is not a matter of concensus. it cannot be established by mutual agreement. it is what it is, and i believe everyone has their own path TOWARDS it.
just think, any good disinformationalist has to tell the truth at least 50% of the time. it's all about discenment of FACTS, not people. be your own authority, or bend to the will of others. those ARE the only two choices. it is best to choose the first as often as possible.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 04:25 AM
the sooner Jones submits his 'thermite' paper for academic peer review the better it will be.

he hasnt and, at the moment, has no intention of doing so.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 07:11 AM
What better way to scuttle the truth movement than inject some hair-brained theory to discredit the entire organization? Reminds me of the scene in 'Close Encounters' when the Air Force holds a town meeting to field questions about the recent sitings in the early part of the movie. The tall weird guy stands up and says, 'I saw bigfoot once. Made a sound I wouldn't want to hear again...' From that moment the meeting was a freak show.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32

Originally posted by 11Bravo
It appears the ST911 crew is falling apart.

Hmmm... This is an interesting developement.

Makes one wonder, if they had been "gotten to"....

Yeah, I wonder what is going on. I know there is alot surrounding 9/11 that doesnt make sense, but IMO 'energy beams' is crazy talk.
What do you think? Could Morgan Reynolds hold the truth?

Is Fetzer ex-military, or am I confusing him with someone else?
If he is ex-military that opens him up for 'manchurian candidate' of the year, doesnt it?

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Morgan Reynolds was on Bush's cabinet, and he's now at Texas A&M University, which is where the next Secretary of Defense is also coming from (an old MK-ULTRA through Iran Contra CIA agent, and the president of Texas A&M no less!). I think that's more interesting than Fetzer, who seems more like an idiot than anything.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:45 PM
The Truth movement is growing!

Check out 8 The State!

Podcasts, Multimedia, Think Tanks, and Sources backing up what they are saying.

15 podcast episodes put together by Richard Grove and others. He does a good job of tying all together what is wrong with our state of affairs!

[edit on 19-12-2006 by QuasiShaman]

[edit on 19-12-2006 by QuasiShaman]

[edit on 19-12-2006 by QuasiShaman]

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
IMO 'energy beams' is crazy talk.

I apologise to you 11bravo for choosing your quote but i guess most others have similar perspectives.

Why is it 'crazy talk'?

Just intrigued.

With so many phenomenons and events that conventional explanations cannot cover it seems logical to re-evaluate the events and produce hypothesis that fits.
I realise that with evidence and explanations already estabilished the death penalty for many keyplayers is minimum yet that doesnt mean that the 'unexplained' should be ignored.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 02:29 PM
I'm not much for dismissing things just because they sound crazy, but what Wood's suggesting now is pretty damned unsupported, and imbedded with things that are demonstrably wrong, ie that the towers fell at free-fall speed, or that the upper 80% of each building was vaporized.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:40 PM
I too have an open mind but I think it is pretty obvious who is spilling disinfo here, Wood comes out of nowhere and starts accusing Jones of certain things.

here is a clip from False Flag News, back in late November, Alex Jones is a surprise guest he calls after the 17th minute.

Listen as Alex Jones responds to all this disinfo and what it means.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:55 PM
the truth movement was never really a movement of truth, its a propaganda campeign engineered and designed to incriminate the united states government. THe fact that people sat down, and asked "how can I make it look like ray beams braught down the towers to make bush look evil..hmmmm, well this story might work, lets see..." is concrete proof that theres a propaganda campeign going on masquerading as a "truth movement"...truth movement, more like well engineered lies.

now the campeign is starting to fall apart under its own corruption.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by talisman

Right Click Save As:

There is the MP3 for this..

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 07:20 PM
I do not think the truth about 911 will ever come out. I do not think it is wrong to try to find out the truth though. The government story has some holes in it, but some of the conspiracy theories out there are very nutty sounding.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by debate

Originally posted by 11Bravo
IMO 'energy beams' is crazy talk.

I apologise to you 11bravo for choosing your quote but i guess most others have similar perspectives.

Why is it 'crazy talk'?

Just intrigued.

With so many phenomenons and events that conventional explanations cannot cover it seems logical to re-evaluate the events and produce hypothesis that fits.
I realise that with evidence and explanations already estabilished the death penalty for many keyplayers is minimum yet that doesnt mean that the 'unexplained' should be ignored.

I dont dismiss anything out-of-hand, but when the logical explanaition works I dont reach for the illogical.
'Ray beams' may or may not have been used, along with holograms, but to present such far out and unprovable ideas only serves to undermine any attempt to get to the truth about 911.

That mp3 clip from RBN was pretty good.
Like they point out, could 'ray beams' shut down norad?
Could 'ray beams' be involved in insider trading?
Could 'ray beams' call Willy Brown and tell him not to fly?
Could 'ray beams' have the attack plan for Afgahnistan drawn up months before 9/11?
Could 'ray beams' call for a 'New American Century'?

Ray beams is not provable, and as far as we know the technology doesnt even exist. What is the sense of throwing unknown, unprovable theories into the already muddy waters of 9/11 truth searches?
If we had seen something on 9/11 that was not explainable with known technology, then I might be more accepting of 'ray beams', but it seems as ludicrious as the claim that fires brought down the towers.

Just to be clear. I dont think that fires from the planes caused the collapse of WTC 1 and 2, nor do I believe that debris/fire damage caused the collapse of 7.
I aslo dont think that 'ray beams' brought down any of those buildings, which is the other extreme.
I have seen other buildings demolished, and fires or 'ray beams' were not used, explosives were.
Yes, explosives would have done the job just fine, as long as you can ship all the evidence off to China after the job is done.......

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 10:17 AM
hang on 11Bravo;

you are mixing political argument with scientific hypothosis

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 01:48 AM
Jim Fetzer is either a loon or a disinfo officer gman workin for da waffen SS gestapo propaganda machine.

911 was obviously an inside job. The stand-down, the insider trading, the war games, and lots of strong evidence for controlled demolition using slightly unconventional demolitions.

All that other crap about holographic planes, nuclear weapons, and space based scalar wave energy beams is obviously nothing but horse $#!7!!!!!

Thermate, Thermobarics, RDX shape charges... nothing more!!!

No holograms (seriously, WTF?!?). No magic martians! No UFO's! No 4th dimensional energy beams. Come on!

You really dont need all this other far-out garbage to realize teh 911 story is a massive lie. They;ve changed the story a hundred times!!!

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1
You really dont need all this other far-out garbage to realize teh 911 story is a massive lie. They;ve changed the story a hundred times!!!

This goes for people in the "truth movement" itself. We've all seen on this board alone a few members hold one belief - just because its a theory that has been postulated that supports an inside job - until it has been so proven to be illogical that you can't with any integrity continue to follow that theory. The story then changes to some other thing and not all of this can be contributed to government disinfo. That claim almost seems like a cop-out to some of you that pushed these theories in the past.

The problem lies in the fact that some people lock on to these theories and believe them until they're completely proven false (at least to the majority of the the conspiracy community). The most ardent followers never waiver from any idea that something sinister happend. Often believing multiple theories that don't quite fit with one another, just because its damaging to the "movement" not to.

It's these people and not disinfo agents that you need to watch out for. There is more of them in the "truth movement" then there is government planted agents or ideas. It's easier to spot the first person to put forth a theory and call them on it then the group that grabs that theory because it says something they'd like to hear and gives it legs on the internet, grabbing further gullible people.

How many Fetzer followers are calling Jones a disinfo agent? To me the "truth movement" is nothing but a loose group of people that all have different, often conflicting ideas on the who, what, and how. The only uniting factor being the idea of a conspiracy.

you are mixing political argument with scientific hypothosis

The political argument needs to be proven before the scientific theories should be pushed on the public. You can't make a neat flash video about Willie Brown getting a phone call and then sell it on the internet. It's not as interesting as a building blowing up (or down), holograms, mini nukes, or ray beams.

If thousands of man hours were spent investigating paper trails and tracking down the stories of witnesses that received some kind of information that something was going to happen the "truth movement" would be much stronger today. Instead thousands of man hours are burned trying to prove that the eye-witnesses at the pentagon actually saw a Globalhawk, then they didn't see anything, then they saw a hologram.

It's easier to explain to Joe Six-Pack that high ranking officials had prior information that 9/11 was going to happen than to explain to them that you think the twin towers were brought down by a demolitions. We've all seen the planes fly into those buildings. No matter how many scholars or scientific studies you have the mainstream will never jump on to that theory first.

In a time when trust of the government is at an extremely low point the "truth movement" is too busy having a fallus measuring contest both with each other and "disinfo" agents (read: anyone that disagrees with them). For that fact, I hope the movement falls apart to be replaced with the people who want truth, and not some self serving version of it.

posted on Dec, 25 2006 @ 11:47 PM

until it has been so proven to be illogical that you can't with any integrity continue to follow that theory

Id like to see ONE example of when this has ever happened to be the case for the "inside job" hypothesis, in regards to wargames, cia-alqaeda ties, stand down, insider trading, and controlled demolition...

If, as you say, any of these had been disproven and people have shyed away from them, then how come this has not, in fact, happened?

The only people backing out on illogical claims are the government, in regards to all their bull# which has been poked so full of holes its not funny.

No real 911 truther that i know of actually buys into these bull# energy beams and holographic planes arguements, except for perhaps a few very gullible people.

These bull# disinfo stories always seem to start out on these brand-new, well-funded websites that pop up out of nowhere. What 911 truther has money to propagate bull# stories like this?

Obviously, these whacked out theories are not going to convince supporters of the official story that there is reason to question 911. Why would any 911 truther come up with the crap? Why would anyone espouse it?

Clearly, energy beams and holograms are directed at "truthers" or "Supporters" but for "fence-sitters" just so that they think all 911 conspiracy is bull# about holograms instead of BUSH-BIN LADEN business ties going back decades, lies in the government story which have been unequivocally exposed, air defence stand-down, insider trading, 911 wargames, and lots of excellent evidence of controlled demolition, none of which have ever "been so proven to be illogical that you can't with any integrity continue to follow that theory".

you want illogical, here's illogical:

"We had no idea Osama was determined to attack!"

"We had no advanced warnings!"

"We had no idea planes could be used as weapons!"

"Jet fuel melted the steel!"

"The WTC was a pancake collapse."

"Osama spent millions of dollars on the most technically sophisticated terrorist attack in history and successfully pulled it off under the noses of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, etc without any of them stopping it even though Able Danger and a whole host of other warnings told us we had known terrorist on terror watch lists living in NSA safe houses at Ft. Meade after they gained access to this country with Visas obtained through a special CIA field office program in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia using terrorist trained by the CIA in Afghanistan during the 80's at "terrorist training camps" which were built by the US GOVT just because he hated our freedoms and now he has succeeded in tricking George Bush into destroying the very freedoms that he claims to protect!"

[edit on 12/25/2006 by sp00n1]

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