posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 05:14 PM
It has recently come to my knowledge about the menace of the Durcell Rabbit. I shall explain:
There have been claims of a planet inhabited by a population of rabbits light years away, their technology is greater than ours and have achieved the
unachievable. It is considered unlikely the rabbits will visit earth in my lifetime, I find this exceptionally hard to deal with. However I have
recently found the truth and can explain in deep detail the actions of the world in the last 50 years in terms of this rabbit.
The Duracell Rabbit came to this planet during World War 2 in a space craft, no one really cares how he got here in the space craft or any of the
physics involved. Neither does anyone care about how he navigated across the Galaxy or his origins and how he came to be. However he is here, there is
substantial proof if you look. He has impersonated many world leaders and is currently George Bush. The reason you do not know that he is George Bush
is that he runs disinfomation campaigns, such as the Duracell company and its TV adverts. These have succesfully brainwashed the world, however you
would not know this because you have been brainwashed. All the proof for this is there if you look. Nobody knows of the existence of his craft because
it is hidden in area 51, where the public cannot go of course. He is also planning to take over the world, there is no reason for him to do this, he
is just doing it because he is evil. He has no established plan except to enslave the human race, but he has no use for them after this so will simply
kill everyone, this is because he is evil. But of course, you know none of this because he has covered it up, if you look hard enough however the
truth will reveal itself. Many people have died trying to reveal the menace of the Duracell Rabbit, but of course they were killed and it was covered
up so you are not aware of it. The menace of the Duracell Rabbit is real, it is just so well covered up. The Duracell Rabbit is in reality grey, not
pink. I know this from a personal encounter with one of his agents outside an airforce base, I had no reason to be there, I just was and cannot tell
you why for obvious reasons.
I ask you all to open your eyes and enlighten yourselves, for I can see it. However you cannot yet, only when you have read all the proof on the
existence of the Duracell Rabbit and his intentions will you realise the danger you and your children are in.