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Light sabers

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posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:22 AM
Is it possible to make a light saber? Has anyone asked this before? No matter if it would have to be gigantic , would it work?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by TBLSLAANESH
Is it possible to make a light saber? Has anyone asked this before? No matter if it would have to be gigantic , would it work?

i have a theory how one could build such a thing. i have the "blueprints" in my head. but cannot get it out on paper until the day comes that printing out the contents of my brain is possible. but i don't think we have the required technology to make the gems needed perfect enough yet. seriously.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:45 AM
I would think that the biggest problem, would be getting the cutting light, to not only go out, but only go out for a certain distance....

Light has this nasty habit of going travelling as far as it can go, hehe.....

Let alone, making the light "solid"

I think we'd see plasma weapons before this, where the weapon is solid, and of a material, but then it's outer surface is ionized...making it appear just as a light saber does, lacking only the collapsability....

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:45 AM
by the way, one more thing i just thought of, the powersource needed isn't available yet either, to my knowledge. one would probably need a fusion reactor to have power enought. so a "miniatyr nuclear powerplant" is needed to get enough power for this.
maybe there are other options though. but i have not heard of such yet.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:49 AM
yeah i think those star trek gizmos[phazers or something] are probably more possible then the light sabers..although i sure would rather have a light saber anyday

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I would think that the biggest problem, would be getting the cutting light, to not only go out, but only go out for a certain distance....

Light has this nasty habit of going travelling as far as it can go, hehe.....

Let alone, making the light "solid"

I think we'd see plasma weapons before this, where the weapon is solid, and of a material, but then it's outer surface is ionized...making it appear just as a light saber does, lacking only the collapsability....

not much of a problem really, the weapon is not built up by a single "beam", but multiple beams. i don't go into any details how the beams are produced. just think how a plasma-laserbeam is produced. argh!!! can anyone read my mind please?? i don't seem to find the words to explain what i mean.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:07 AM
I can't read your mind, but I wish I could, you obviously can't get out what you are trying to say.

A plasma-laser beam? I'm not sure you can mix the fourth state of matter with light or how you would use a crystal with this. It's starting to sound a bit star-trek to me.

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by Zzub]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:20 AM

But it's in a glass tube... Quite funny looking though...

And it's just $990!!! A bargain!!!

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by TheBandit795]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:27 AM
well, if a laser beam is hot enough it becomes a plasmabeam instead. about the cut gems, do you know how a laserbeam is produced?
the gems act like a magnifying put several gems together in a special arrangement, and several small lasers beam consentrated light into the gems in a circle arrangement from different angles. and further into some kind of "mirrors". each of the "mirrors" are positioned so that each beam is directed into gems in a circle arrangement on top of the device. from there the beams is consentrated into a single point as long as you want the "sword" to be. if the crossingpoint of the beams is hot enough, voilla. you have a lightsaber

if you have any questions about what i explained here.
just ask nicely

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:31 AM
why wouldnt the lasers cut through the crystals if they cut through everything else?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by darkspace

Originally posted by TBLSLAANESH
Is it possible to make a light saber? Has anyone asked this before? No matter if it would have to be gigantic , would it work?

i have a theory how one could build such a thing. i have the "blueprints" in my head. but cannot get it out on paper until the day comes that printing out the contents of my brain is possible. but i don't think we have the required technology to make the gems needed perfect enough yet. seriously.

The day has come my friend! Its called a piece of paper and a pencil Most people in this century have heard of those.......seriously

[Edited on 11/17/2003 by Seapeople]

[Edited on 11/17/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by sirCyco
why wouldnt the lasers cut through the crystals if they cut through everything else?

did i mention crystals?? no, you'll have to use stronger gems than that.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by darkspace

Originally posted by sirCyco
why wouldnt the lasers cut through the crystals if they cut through everything else?

did i mention crystals?? no, you'll have to use stronger gems than that.

How about kryptonite? That stuff was strong enough to kill superman...would that gem be strong enough?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:37 AM
darkspace, I did mean to ask nicely, sorry if I came across as bitchy

I'm aware of how lasers work, I have always had a fascination with them and have several around the house to amuse myself with.

I am also aware of plasma/laser interaction. I'm having difficulties building a mental picture of your device, I can't see it and I can't see how it would produce a beam that terminated at a specific point. We definitely need your brain-printer

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople

Originally posted by darkspace

Originally posted by TBLSLAANESH
Is it possible to make a light saber? Has anyone asked this before? No matter if it would have to be gigantic , would it work?

i have a theory how one could build such a thing. i have the "blueprints" in my head. but cannot get it out on paper until the day comes that printing out the contents of my brain is possible. but i don't think we have the required technology to make the gems needed perfect enough yet. seriously.

The day has come my friend! Its called a piece of paper and a pencil Most people in this century have heard of those.......seriously

[Edited on 11/17/2003 by Seapeople]

[Edited on 11/17/2003 by Seapeople]

well, thats the problem. i am not very good at transferring things from my mind onto a piece of paper with a pencil.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:39 AM
oh ok......sorry i just figured they would use crytals but ok....i would it be theoreticly possible to build a gem suit that is saber proof?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:40 AM
Why wouldn't the laser destroy the gem?

Because singly, they aren't powerful enough...

A plasma-laser beam? I'm not sure you can mix the fourth state of matter with light or how you would use a crystal with this. It's starting to sound a bit star-trek to me.

Mostly sounds like the description in several of the novels... However, this isn't as sound as it seems...

Try an experiment, take two flashlights. Shine them so their beams intersect at a point, about 3 feet away. Guess what? There is an intersect....but the light keeps on going!!!
Lasers are no different....

As for "plasma", it's the air molecules that would be ionized into plasma, not the light itself (physicists correct me if I'm wrong here), so you'd constantly be ionizing the air around the laser unecessarily, resulting in quite a waste of energy...

Not to mention, that unless you can "use the force", someone is going to pop shoot you out, with a laser (as it's hard to dodge something coming at you at the speed of light!) you better be a frickin' Jedi, hehe....

That's a lot of tech, foe something that is basically useless....Melee weapons pretty much went out of practical use with the invention of the gun....

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Because singly, they aren't powerful enough...

A plasma-laser beam? I'm not sure you can mix the fourth state of matter with light or how you would use a crystal with this. It's starting to sound a bit star-trek to me.

Mostly sounds like the description in several of the novels... However, this isn't as sound as it seems...

Try an experiment, take two flashlights. Shine them so their beams intersect at a point, about 3 feet away. Guess what? There is an intersect....but the light keeps on going!!!
Lasers are no different....

As for "plasma", it's the air molecules that would be ionized into plasma, not the light itself (physicists correct me if I'm wrong here), so you'd constantly be ionizing the air around the laser unecessarily, resulting in quite a waste of energy...

Not to mention, that unless you can "use the force", someone is going to pop shoot you out, with a laser (as it's hard to dodge something coming at you at the speed of light!) you better be a frickin' Jedi, hehe....

That's a lot of tech, foe something that is basically useless....Melee weapons pretty much went out of practical use with the invention of the gun....

yes, flashlights isn't powerful enough. theory : what happens when the most powerful laserbeams intersect eachother. let's sa 3 beams consentrated into 1 single point. if the beams is hot enough, what happens at the "point"?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by darkspace

Originally posted by Gazrok
Because singly, they aren't powerful enough...

A plasma-laser beam? I'm not sure you can mix the fourth state of matter with light or how you would use a crystal with this. It's starting to sound a bit star-trek to me.

Mostly sounds like the description in several of the novels... However, this isn't as sound as it seems...

Try an experiment, take two flashlights. Shine them so their beams intersect at a point, about 3 feet away. Guess what? There is an intersect....but the light keeps on going!!!
Lasers are no different....

As for "plasma", it's the air molecules that would be ionized into plasma, not the light itself (physicists correct me if I'm wrong here), so you'd constantly be ionizing the air around the laser unecessarily, resulting in quite a waste of energy...

Not to mention, that unless you can "use the force", someone is going to pop shoot you out, with a laser (as it's hard to dodge something coming at you at the speed of light!) you better be a frickin' Jedi, hehe....

That's a lot of tech, foe something that is basically useless....Melee weapons pretty much went out of practical use with the invention of the gun....

yes, flashlights isn't powerful enough. theory : what happens when the most powerful laserbeams intersect eachother. let's sa 3 beams consentrated into 1 single point. if the beams is hot enough, what happens at the "point"?

Why dont you enlighten us all. Tell us what happens at that point.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:51 AM
You get fusion. This is (or was) one of the energy breakthroughs that the US govt has removed funding of. You can get more power out than you put in if you concentrate enough power into a single point, in theory.

Look up laser fusion.

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by Zzub]

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by Zzub]

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